A fundamental law of physics is the Conservation of Energy – that the total amount of energy in a system remains constant;  it’s neither increased nor decreased, but is transferred from one form to another.

Evolution seems to have hard-wired paranoia into the human brain so that something similar may be going on in systems of human societies.  Ever since we’ve been Homo sapiens, even when we were Homo erectus, for two million years if we weren’t paranoid, we were some predator’s dinner.

Getting eaten by a giant cave bear or saber-tooth tiger is an efficient way to remove the non-paranoid from the gene pool.

The genetically hard-wired need to be scared of something means if one fear goes away, we’ll quickly find a replacement.  Even if we have to make it up.

The Left is particularly good at this, since scaring people over some made up “crisis” is a very effective way of gaining control over the gullible – of which there are legion — “Global warming/Climate change/Climate crisis” being the currently classic example.

Yesterday (2/24), Rush Limbaugh exposed the “Coronavirus epidemic” as the latest outbreak of Leftist paranoia-pandering:Overhyped Coronavirus Weaponized Against Trump.”

“It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks. The Drive-By Media hype of this thing as a pandemic, as the Andromeda strain, as, ‘Oh, my God, if you get it, you’re dead.’ I think the survival rate is 98%. Ninety-eight percent of people who get the coronavirus survive.


I believe the way it’s being weaponized is by virtue of the media, and I think that it is an effort to bring down Trump, and one of the ways it’s being used to do this is to scare the investors, to scare people in business. It’s to scare people into not buying Treasury bills at auctions.


It’s to scare people into leaving, cashing out of the stock market — and sure enough, as the show began today, the stock market — the Dow Jones Industrial Average — was down about 900 points, supposedly because of the latest news about the spread of the coronavirus.”

Drudge today is a perfect example — as is this Fox News’ panicky headline yesterday (2/24): Global Outbreak Causes Pandemic Fears After Cases Jump in Italy, South Korea and Iran – Dow Plunges 1,000 Points.

Paranoia must be conserved!

“50 new deaths just in Qom, Iran!!” screams Fox citing some “semi-official” source with no evidence.  Hype city.  Let’s take a look at the best evidence available.

That would be the Daily Coronavirus Situation Reports the World Health Organization (WHO) has been issuing since January 21 (#1).

WHO has been heavily criticized for going along with the Chicoms’ official numbers in China, and with good reason.  Stung by this, both WHO and Beijing’s numbers seem to be more accurate recently.  But everyone knows there really is a serious epidemic in China.

The real question is, to what extent has it spread and causing deaths outside of China?  And on this, the WHO stats are far more reliable.  There can’t be a conspiracy between all countries in the world to underreport.

So here’s the timeline of Covid-19 spread globally outside of China.

WHO Coronavirus Situation Report #1 Jan 21-#12 Feb 01: No deaths reported.

WHO #13, Feb 02: 1st death reported, in the Philippines. There have been no Covid-19 deaths in the Philippines since (latest WHO Report #35, Feb 24).

WHO #25 Feb 14: 2nd death reported, in Japan.  There have been no Covid-19 deaths in Japan since (see #35 above).

WHO #27 Feb 16: 3rd death, in France (an 80 year-old Chinese tourist). There have been no Covid-19 deaths in France since (see #35 above).

WHO #31 Feb 20: 4th to 8th deaths – 1 South Korea, 2 Iran, 2 Diamond Princess cruise ship.

WHO #33 Feb 22: 9th South Korea, 10th/11th Iran.

WHO #34 Feb 23: 12th to 14th South Korea, 15th Iran, 16th-17th Italy.

WHO #35 Feb 24: 18th-19th South Korea, 20th to 22nd Iran, 23rd Diamond Princess.

WHO #36 Feb 25:  24th-26th South Korea, 27th-30th Italy, 31st-34th Iran

That is the latest as of today (2/25).  1 death Philippines, 1 Japan, 1 France, 3 Diamond Princess, 6 Italy, 10 South Korea, 12 Iran:

34 deaths total out of 1,205 cases worldwide outside China, a death rate of 2.8%.

To be sure, more will die as the disease runs its course, but there is simply no evidence so far for a global pandemic and panic-mongering by the media. The evidence is for the opposite when you consider the single death and none since in the Philippines, in Japan, and in France.  It is spreading on a miniscule basis only in South Korea, Iran, and Italy.

As for the US, the CDC reports today (2/25) there are only 14 confirmed cases, 12 of whom just came back from China or South Korea – and no deaths.  The CDC specifically states, “The coronavirus is NOT spreading in the United States.”

Rush is right.  Because here’s a question.  Lefties and Dems are pathologically desperate to destroy Trump’s chances of reelection.  Demonizing him doesn’t work.  Shaming him really doesn’t.  Impeachment failed.  What would you do then?  Target his main pillar of support: the economy.

It’s the best ever for everyone, Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Women, Workers, Business, Retirees with 401k’s, you name it.  So you’d have to screw everybody and blame Trump for it.  Suddenly China gets hammered by some flu virus, and Chinese abroad give it to some others.  Bingo!  Create a global catastrophe hoax, try and wreck America’s economy with it, and blame it on Trump!

Isn’t that what you would do if you were an America-hating, Trump-hating Leftie Democrat scumbag?

However… as  Abe Lincoln famously observed, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time… but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time”?

If you Google the two words coronavirus hoax, guess how many hits you’ll get.  456 million. When I started writing this a couple of hours ago it was 403M, so virus hoaxes are spreading exponentially faster than the virus.  There’s a titanic battle going on between the hoaxers/scammers/fear-mongers and those who aren’t buying the paranoia.

You know the old adage – a lie can run around the world before the truth can get its running shoes on.  That’s happened now, and the Left is milking it as furiously as possible, wanting to ruin the world economy along with America’s in order to damage Trump.

So let’s hope Old Abe is right, and more and more people refuse to be paranoided by the Left.

The marvelous precedent for this is that the majority of normal people have refused to buy into the Global Warming Hoax.  No matter how much the Fascist Media hypes Greta Thunberg to the moon, most of the public at large laughs at her, and shrugs off the constant deluge of frantic warnings we’re burning up the planet to a crisp.

Here’s a question to ask the media panic-mongers at Drudge, Fox and elsewhere:  Why no panic and pandemic scare stories about influenza deaths?

According to the CDC, guess how many people in America died of influenza in the 2017-2018 illness “season” (November through March).  Please be sitting down.  61,000.

“The overall burden of influenza for the 2017-2018 season was an estimated 45 million influenza illnesses, 21 million influenza-associated medical visits, 810,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 61,000 influenza-associated deaths.”

Last season (2018-2019), we fared better.  The CDC reports 35 million flu illnesses, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths.  That’s still over thirty-four thousand of us dying of the flu in just a few months.

And we’re supposed to freak out over something that hasn’t killed any of us yet and 34 in the whole world outside of China so far?

At this very moment, there are many thousands of commercial aircraft in the air carrying millions of passengers all over the globe.  For the past three weeks, my wife Rebel and I have been traveling in Europe – Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam, Lisbon and elsewhere.

The planes are packed, it’s an achievement avoiding a middle seat.  We haven’t seen a single mask on a plane or in a city.  Okay, we didn’t go to Milan with its largest Chinatown in Italy with 20,000 Chinese who caused the breakout there.

The bottom line is that most regular folk in Europe and elsewhere have figured this out, that they’re being scammed by a Coronavirus Hoax same as the Global Warming Hoax, and shrugging like Atlas.

They haven’t been taken in by the Left’s Hoax of Paranoia – and of course neither should you.

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