Two NYC Lawyers Charged in Failed Molotov Cocktail Attack on NYPD Matt Vespa

Two Brooklyn lawyers, including an Ivy League graduate corporate attorney, are facing federal charges over accusations they tossed a Molotov cocktail into an NYPD vehicle early Saturday morning during a protest over the police killing of George Floyd.

Colinford Mattis, 32, a corporate lawyer and member of Community Board 5 in East New York, was charged along with fellow attorney Urooj Rahman with the attempted attack on an empty police cruiser parked outside the 88th Precinct station house in Fort Greene.


Authorities say Rahman, 31, tossed a bottle filled with gasoline through a broken window into the cruiser just before 1 am Saturday but the Molotov cocktail failed to ignite. Rahman jumped into a van driven by Mattis and they sped off, court papers allege.

The attempted torching was captured by video surveillance cameras outside the precinct stationhouse on DeKalb Ave., according to court papers.

Cops gave chase and stopped the van nearby on Willoughby St. They found the makings of another Molotov cocktail in the back seat along with a gasoline container, authorities say.

“No rational human being can ever believe that hurling firebombs at police officers and vehicles is justified,” said Brooklyn U.S Attorney Richard Donoghue.

This isn’t about Floyd anymore, folks. Maybe for a millisecond, it was and that’s sad—because there appear to be protests mostly in smaller urban and suburban areas where it is peaceful. There’s also footage of officers voicing support for the protests and praying with the activists. As for the mob, however, President Trump has to make moves to put it down. It’s been nearly a week of chaos. It’s time to re-establish law and order.

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