Masquerading Malice by Edward Cline

mas·​quer·​ade | \ ˌma-skə-ˈrād  (Merriam-Webster)

Definition of masquerade

 (Entry 1 of 2)

1aa social gathering of persons wearing masks and often fantastic costumes

ba costume for wear at such a gathering

2an action or appearance that is mere disguise or show

It would be appropriate to begin this column with how and why masked customers chased a maskless customer from a Shoprite storei in Staten Island.. NY. However, the masked customers do not own the store (unless they’re shareholders), and so had no right to “evict” the maskless customer by mob action or otherwise. That should have been the freedom of the proprietor to do business with the maskless customer or not. The incident was a min-prelude of the anarchic mob mentality chaos now ravaging the country.  But governor Andrew Cuomo has given “permission” to private businesses  to maskless people from entering their stores. “  “That store owner has a right to protect himself,” Cuomo said at his daily Coronavirus briefing. “That store owner has a right to protect the other patrons in that store…”  But he has no rights, or otherwise. Rights? What are those? The concept is alien to Cuomo.

This is the same governor who ordered Covid-19 patients  be put into nursing homes which resulted in over 1,700 deaths. The state fudged the number of people who died from Covid-19 or from pre-conditions that had nothing to do with the virus. Exactly how many nursing home residents have died remains uncertain despite the state’s latest disclosure, as the list doesn’t nursing home residents who were transferred to hospitals before dying. The revised list shows that 22 nursing homes, largely in New York City and Long Island, have reported at least 40 deaths. Cuomo granted the nursing home executives immunity from the legal responsibility of causing patient deaths.

In the meantime, in San Francisco, which has joined the mask mania, passed a law that requires everyone to wear face masks when outside their homes, and especially in restaurants. And wherever else groups of people gather in small or large numbers .  This is not the San Francisco of Cyrus Skeen or Sam Spade..The San Francisco Chronicle published a guide for the simple-minded about the new distancing rules, comparing the social distance between people and a Muni bus, a cable car, sidewalk squares..

One blog laughs at the purpose of healthy people wearing masks, to protect themselves when they are actually harming themselves by donning  masks ,  even while they’re driving behind a ton of glass and steel.

What is so obvious now are the totalitarian urges of so many state governors and municipal “authorities.”  The compulsion to render Americans  submissive,  helpless and  mentally “manageable” in a regulated society and in a statist political environment in which one’s actions and behavior are controlled by “authorities,” have bared the actions and policies motives and designs of the controllers. They want people to adopt and accept a lockstep mode of living.  They want everyone to  wear masks and look like they’ve been captured by alien invaders

NBC calls riots “protests.” Some on the left have argued that “rioting” is some kind of legitimate form of protest.”

One unintended consequence of universal lockdowns, “stay at home” mandates, and shutdowns is reported by Fox News is the rise in sexually transmitted diseases together with a rush on condoms in Canada. If and when the virus “crisis” has passes, there will be a new “baby boomer” generation come the end of 2020.

I end this column with a note of levity. After reading all of today’s news I had to grant myself a much needed chuckle.

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