Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Kevin D. Freeman

Thanks to Amil Imani….

History has a lot of “people’s revolutions” that have gone terribly bad. What starts with promises of liberty too often ends with severe oppression. That was certainly the case with the French Revolutionthe Bolshevik Revolutionthe Spanish Civil WarNazis in GermanyMao in ChinaCastro in CubaChavez in Venezuela, and the Arab Spring.
Sadly, many students of history recognize too many similarities between the mob behavior of today and those tragedies of the past. The world has paid a very high price in blood and oppression.

Think about the tactics at work today. They have all been done before and produced nothing good:

Read the list. You see all of it happening before your very eyes. So when the Customs and Border Patrol reported finding 10,800 Assault Weapons Parts in Louisville, Kentucky, you may not have been surprised. The weapons parts were shipped from Shenzhen, China, headed for a residence in Florida.

And, when you dig into the founders of BLM, you learn that these are trained Marxists, as this video from Heritage Foundation clearly shows:

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