Lincoln and the Gates of Hell Eileen F. Toplansky


Will the fabric of freedom prevail against the gates of hell as the lawless mob gains ascendancy in the country?

It was a question that Abraham Lincoln posed in January 1838 in his address titled “The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions” and it is poignantly relevant now as it was then.

His concern was how to fortify Americans against the danger that might beset the country — not from “abroad” but rather from within.  Thus, “if destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.  As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”

More prescient words could not have been written as our country is currently torn into ugly camps.  There is “something of ill-omen amongst us” and it is “the increasing disregard for law which pervades the country.”  In today’s America, judges are deliberately thwarting the law–consider the travesty wrought upon General Flynn.  Even though a federal appeals court ordered the criminal case against Michael Flynn to be dropped, U.S. district judge Emmet Sullivan has yet to dismiss the case. Mark Levin in his Men in Black has long warned us about the dangers of activist judges whose judicial tyranny thwarts the Constitution in favor of liberal policies.


As if he were watching the news of today, Lincoln spoke of  “accounts of outrages committed by mobs, [that] form the every-day news of the times. They [had] pervaded the country, from New England to Louisiana [.]”  We need look no further than Portland, or Kenosha, or Washington, DC; Chicago and New York City as accounts of destruction, looting, murder, disregard for police, property, and peaceful gatherings occur yet Democrat leaders and followers cheer on the malevolence.


In fact, as Lincoln asserted, the deeds of the mob are growing “too familiar, to attract anything more than an idle remark.”  Tucker Carlson dares to ask Governor Phil Murphy (D, NJ) by what authority did Murphy have to nullify the Bill of Rights to arrest and charge synagogue congregants re: COVID distancing.  Murphy’s response “I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this.”

Arrogant Governor Cuomo distorts his record that led to the death of elderly nursing home patients.  The press applauds him while families grieve.


Lincoln emphasized that when law and order cease, it is “the innocent, those who have ever set their faces against violations of law in every shape, . . . , [who fall victim] to the ravages of mob law; and thus . . . , step by step, till all the walls erected for the defence of the persons and property of individuals, are trodden down, and disregarded.”


Consider the abuse that Mark McCloskey and his wife are enduring.  This couple was merely protecting their St. Louis home against a mob and now find themselves dealing with the full fury of the media and leftwing judges.


And still “. . . this even, is not the full extent of the evil. By such examples, . . .  of such acts going unpunished, the lawless in spirit, are encouraged to become lawless in practice; and having been used to no restraint, . . . [have] thus become, absolutely unrestrained. Having ever regarded Government as their deadliest bane, they make a jubilee of the suspension of its operations; and pray for nothing so much, as its total annihilation.”


Consequently, the leaders of the Black Lives Matter and their assorted allies call for the dissolution of the government, and the death of America as they gleefully dehumanize and decimate anyone who disagrees with their vicious dictates. .  Black Lives Matter protestors march through Philadelphia chanting death to America — thus, they echo Iranian calls for the destruction of our country.


And though “it would be quite a stretch to blame churches for  George Floyd’s death, police brutality or Confederate memorials, . . . houses of worship and religious statues are coming under attack in the protest mayhem.”  But after all, God has no place in the world of nihilism and violence of the mob.

Social pressure on Americans is resulting in job dismissals if they dare speak out against the travesties across the country. It is not new.  BLM opponents suffered consequences for airing grievances after the protests and this was in 2016.  In 2020, if you don’t support BLM, you are fired.

Besides the obvious destruction comes a more insidious effect — the alienation of the good people who have lost confidence in the country as they see “their property destroyed; their families insulted, and their lives endangered [.] ”

In reality, if the people succumb to the dictates of the Democrat Party with their false promises that ultimately seek total control over their lives, the country will be lost. Too late will they realize that they have become pawns to a government that abuses their sensibilities, ignores their property rights, and dispenses kangaroo court justice.  It is patently clear, for example, that Nancy Pelosi is a “hideous, hypocritical harpy.”  Rand and Kelly Paul were nearly run down by the mob in Washington, D.C. and nary a word from their so-called Democrat colleagues.

Lincoln knew that if the “mobocratic spirit” and the “vicious portion of the population shall be permitted to gather in bands of hundreds and thousands, and burn churches, ravage and rob provision stores, . . .with impunity; — depend on it, this Government cannot last.”


The mob is indifferent to the blood, sweat and tears that go into being a business owner. Furthermore, nothing but mockery describes the mob’s view toward those who wish to attend houses of worship.


In fact, Lincoln foresaw that there would come a time when the “caprice of the mob” would “. . .  seize the opportunity, strike the blow, and overturn that fair fabric, which . . . , has been the fondest hope, of the lovers of freedom, throughout the world.”


The erosion of the reverence for law in this country has no bounds. Thus, “[c]ollege and university presidents have declared with one voice that they will use every tool in their educational arsenal to fight against ‘systemic,’ ‘institutional,’ and ‘structural’ racism, even as they themselves skirt the law regarding illegal immigration, racial discrimination and the rights of the accused.”


K-12 schools have deemed that if a student wishes to graduate, he/she must              engage in Leftist activism.  This five minute video encapsulates the radical Leftist world view being promulgated within schools,  i.e., allowing illegals to vote; widespread anti-Semitism.


We note with horror the historical illiteracy and total lack of civic education among our young as they have been indoctrinated by Leftists who have infiltrated the business, entertainment, educational and political spheres.


Americans continue to wait for judgments concerning the misdeeds of the Obama administration.  We are stunned by the shameless lies of Hillary Clinton as she appears to skate the law.  Judicial Watch’s Herculean efforts to expose the wrongdoing of the IRS, FBI, CIA, continue to mount.  When will the wrongdoers be punished?


So what to do? People need to walk out of diversity training with its obvious racism against White people.  Americans need to decipher the innocuous messages that camouflage a genuine Marxist/socialist/communist desire to annihilate America.  As Rush Limbaugh has stated “[t]rampling on the Constitution  is a Democrat resume enhancement.”[1]


America has been the beacon for millions of people because while we “recognize differences in individuals and nations, we acknowledge all people’s humanity.”[2]  The mob masters do not — they want to create “impassable racial barriers” to stoke hatred among us.


Indeed, “the dignity of man, enshrined in the Bible was the inspiration to the American Revolution.”  Despotic, absolute rule is antithetical to our tradition.  If we hearken to Lincoln’s words of 182 years ago, and “swear by the blood of the [American] Revolution never to violate in the least…the laws of the country; and never to tolerate [emphasis mine] their violation of others” then we will have given honor to the patriots of 1776″  and “support the Constitution and Laws.”  There is “no grievance that is a fit object of redress by mob law.” If change is needed, then “proper legal provisions” must prevail.  If we create a bulwark against lawlessness, then “vain will be every effort, and fruitless every attempt, to subvert our national freedom.”


[1] Rush Limbaugh. The Limbaugh Letter, May 2020, p.12.

[2] Abba Hillel Silver. “That Men Are Not Equal” from Where Judaism Differed. 1956, pp. 224-242.

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