Tonight, at sundown Yom Kippur the holiest day known as the Day of Atonement begins for the Jewish people.  It is a somber Holiday which I observe with memories, reflection, regrets and appreciation for the good things in life.

Regrets? My deepest regret is the state of liberal Jews today. In kindness- it is after all a day of repentance for harsh treatment of others- I could say that they are Utopians who really want a better world.

When does Utopia collide with reality and facts? When does exculpating riots, looting and violence against innocent people meld with social justice? How long will they tolerate an assault on American  legacy and culture?

How do people who toast “L’chaim”- to life -become so obsessed with abortion including late term abortion that it becomes a key consideration in elections?

Why have so many people of my faith attached their passionate support to a party which ignores and condones vile anti-Semitism?

Why do they revile Benjamin Netanyahu but demand a hearing for criminals, bigots and abettors of terror?

Will they atone? Maybe for polluting and their “inner racism” of self-preservation. Alas.

On an optimistic note, we have survived as a faith and people for 5781 years while mighty nations and empires have crumbled. May we continue to do so and in the New Year may the Lord guard the safety and success of America and Israel.  rsk

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