Court Packing Is Just The Beginning, Dems Want To Pack The Senate And Electoral College, Too

Joe Biden has so far refused to answer the question of whether he’d pack the Supreme Court with leftist justices. But he hasn’t even been asked about a more worrisome scheme he and his party are cooking up to ensure Democrats’ election victories well into the future.

So far, Biden has inartfully dodged the question of whether he would support adding justices to the Supreme Court. All he would say in the debate was “Whatever the position I take, that will be the issue” and in Arizona, he said, “You’ll know my opinion on court-packing when the election is over.”

Biden knows court-packing doesn’t poll well, and so with the help of the press, he is avoiding the topic. But Senate Democrats have already made it clear that they will take that route should President Donald Trump get Judge Amy Coney Barrett on the bench.

What hasn’t received nearly enough attention, however, is the other plan Democrats are hatching to take seize control of the Senate, and make winning the presidency easier, by granting statehood to Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.

As the Washington Examiner reported: “Key Democratic leaders, already mulling adding more justices to the Supreme Court if they take the White House and Senate, are also eager to add two more states, a move that could shift the Electoral College permanently to liberals.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said recently that: “Believe me. On D.C. and Puerto Rico, particularly if Puerto Rico votes for it — D.C. already has voted for it and wants it — I’d love to make them states.”

Biden has long supported D.C. statehood, and during remarks at a Hispanic Heritage Month kickoff event in Kissimmee, Florida, he said that Puerto Rican statehood “would be the most effective means of ensuring that residents of Puerto Rico are treated equally.”

“Electorally speaking, it would be an earth-changing event,” Tampa Bay political consultant Anthony Pedicini told Newsmax.

But wait, you say, couldn’t Republicans in the Senate stop these plans, even if they lose the Senate majority?

Under normal circumstances, yes. But Democrats have made it clear that they are tired of having to deal with Republicans. Should they win the Senate, the first order of business will be to eliminate the filibuster.

As NBC News reported in early September:

Democratic insiders are assembling a coalition behind the scenes to wage an all-out war on the Senate filibuster in bullish anticipation of sweeping the 2020 election and passing an ambitious progressive agenda.

Veteran party operatives, activist groups and supportive senators are coordinating message and strategy to dial up the pressure to quickly end the 60-vote threshold early next year, fearing that preservation of the rule will enable Republicans to kill Joe Biden’s legislative agenda in its cradle.

They’re consolidating that effort under a coalition called Fix Our Senate run by Eli Zupnick, a former communications director for No. 3 Democratic Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash.

So, should Biden win and Democrats take control of the Senate, here’s the game plan:

1) Eliminate the filibuster so Democrats can pass whatever they want with a simple majority.

2) Pack the Supreme Court with far-left liberals to overwhelm any conservative majority.

3) Add four more Democratic Senate seats and 10 more Electoral College votes by making D.C. and Puerto Rico states.

And voilà, Democrats will have cleared the way for them to get their Green New Deal, Medicare for All, minimum-wage raising, pro-union, open-borders, tax-the-“rich” agenda enacted. They will have jammed the court with justices who won’t bat an eye at any Constitution-bending laws Democrats pass. And they will have made it far more difficult for Republicans to win the presidency or a Senate majority in the future.

And as icing on the cake, Democrats will also be able to enact the “For the People Act,” which was the first bill they introduced when they took control of the House last year. This legislation would dramatically expand government regulation of political speech (making it harder for Republicans to raise money), and it would federalize the election process, forcing states to adopt early voting, automatic voter registration, same-day registration, online voter registration, and no-fault absentee balloting (making it easier for Democrats to cheat).

In short, if Biden wins and Democrats gain control of the Senate, they will be in a position to turn us into a California-style single-party nation.

If you think this is being too conspiratorial, consider the fact that Democrats have openly announced their plans to do each of these things.

So, to all those independents and never-Trumpers who think this election is just about presidential character, don’t say you weren’t warned.

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