Are We Worthy of America? Jim O’Neill
America’s destiny, indeed the world’s destiny, hinges on how We the People act in the coming days, weeks, months, and years. Now is the time to stand stalwart and committed against the rising tide of violence, corruption, and lies. To stand firmly for freedom and decency, truth and righteousness. To defend the Charters of Freedom. To stand up for America as its founders envisioned it.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government….—The Declaration of Independence
The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of the United States. Empowered with the sovereign authority of the people by the framers and the consent of the legislatures of the states, it is the source of all government powers, and also provides important limitations on the government that protect the fundamental rights of United States citizens. [emphasis added] —The Constitution
Across the country, children recited the Bill of Rights in public schools and people from all walks of life came out to show their support for their fundamental liberties, including freedom of speech, the free exercise of religion, the right to bear arms, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures by the police, the right to just compensation when property is taken for public use and the right to jury trial. —Heart of the Constitution: The Bill of Rights
How much crashing and burning will America have to endure before our current crop of power-hungry utopians are defeated?
Children reciting the Bill of Rights in schools across the nation – can you imagine? What happened? We the People took too much for granted for too long. We have allowed the slow insidious toxins of corruption and duplicity to poison the well of our republic. Unless we put a stop to it now, we will witness the downfall of our republic…the death of the noble American experiment.
Much of our media, academia, and population are blinded by foolish, arrogant hubris, but their misguided attitudes ultimately lead to a dead end. It is our privilege and duty to hasten them along to their journey’s conclusion.
Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. —Winston Churchill
“I own I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive.”—Thomas Jefferson to James Madison 12/20/1787
“Always oppressive” – indeed. We the People know only too well where the collectivist utopias invariably end up – in a bloody ash heap of history.. No thanks – we would much rather stand free on our own than wear the chains of an overbearing and oppressive government. It has always been thus, which explains why such pie-in-the-sky utopias always crash and burn.
How much crashing and burning will America have to endure before our current crop of power-hungry utopians are defeated? Anybody’s guess at this point. There are basically two types of utopians (collectivists, globalists, socialists… call them what you will). One type of utopian is in it for the money, for the power. Greed is their lodestone and guiding star. They assume that they will be in charge “come the revolution.” The rest of the utopians, the vast majority of utopians, are by and large simply brainwashed “useful idiots.
The Left has its “bag of tricks” – full of lies, corruption, violence, and skullduggery
Over the years the first type of utopian, the greedy utopian, has crept into positions of power and influence in media, academia, politics, corporations, NGOs, and bureaucracies of all stripes and colors. It is this type of greedy, corrupt, power hungry parasite that President Trump has been at war with for years – and We the People must have his six, have his back. It’s the least we can do – for our own sake if not his.
I do not believe that it is by chance that America has Trump at the helm during this time. I am reminded of the words that John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson during the American Revolution: “Do you not think an Angel rides in the Whirlwind and directs this Storm?”
The Left has its “bag of tricks” – full of lies, corruption, violence, and skullduggery. But We the People have truth and the various virtues to guide and support us. We have our founding documents, our Charters of Freedom, to show us the way…and we have a courageous, savvy, street smart leader/representative in President Trump. (It is icing on the cake that he also possesses a great sense of humor and a loving spirit). And last but certainly not least, in God we trust.
I have not written this article in order to help some lost liberal see the light. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt – it’s like talking to a brick wall…make that a granite wall. Their stock positions, such as multiculturalism and identity politics, are so vapidly jejune as to make a mockery of common sense and logic. But liberals live in an echo chamber, a fun house of mirrors where everyone repeats the same official narrative to each another, ad nauseum. They are by and large smug, arrogant fools.
Even liberals who’ve accomplished a lot in their lives and have high IQs often say things on a regular basis that are stunningly, profoundly stupid and at odds with the way the world works.—John Hawkins “7 Reasons Why Liberals Are Incapable of Understanding The World”
It is time to stand strong and alert on freedom’s ramparts—and freedom’s ramparts exist wherever We the People exist
Nor am I attempting to reach the undecided voter. Good grief, undecided? You’ve got to be kidding me. They can’t decide whether they should vote for sky-high taxes, lawlessness, open borders, and the destruction of America – or lower taxes, law and order, secure borders, and a safe and strong America? WTF? They are either idiots or ultra- apathetic…perhaps ultra- apathetic idiots, I don’t know.
We the People are the ones this article is aimed at – we are the backbone of America, and always have been. We often possess an uncommon amount of common sense, grit, heart, courage, patriotism, integrity, valor, and virtue. We believe in America, and trust in God.
It is time to stand strong and alert on freedom’s ramparts—and freedom’s ramparts exist wherever We the People exist. Pray for President Trump, and those near and dear to him. Pray for freedom; pray for America. Pray for the wisdom to see through the fog of lies and duplicity that surrounds us. Pray that We the People work in alignment with God’s will. Pray that if the time should ever come to kick butt, we do so gloriously, with righteousness and vigor. Pray that Trump is president for four more years – with a Republican House and Senate to back him up! Trust in God and keep your powder dry.
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