The USA: One Time Defender of Human Rights By Marietta Muller Gwathmey

 A Thoughtful commentary from a friend:

I have watched some of the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings, and I am struck by the vehemence of the Democratic Senators inquiring how she would rule if Roe v. Wade were challenged in the Supreme Court. All this publicity has brought Roe v. Wade front and center once again, and yes, her faith alone suggests that she might be against abortion at any level.

However, all of those who spoke for her commented time and again on her ability to disregard her personal feelings and opinions in favor of the rule of law, so there is no reason to believe she would vote otherwise. She reiterated it time and again, question after question.

Personally, after these weeks of discovery and disclosure about Judge Barrett, I find her to be above reproach; she does not appear to have a single skeleton in her closet. Among her many attributes are integrity, grace, character, brilliance, humility and faith, and she is obviously more than qualified for the position of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.

But what if Roe v. Wade did come up on the docket? For years there has been speculation about the constitutionally of the law; perhaps down the road there would be a challenge to it, and with the new balance on the court, it might be overturned or limited. This is what the pro-choice advocates fear. It got me to wondering how it is that the Supreme Court of the United States, arguably the country which is the greatest champion of human rights the world has ever seen, ever ever passed a law that so egregiously violates those rights.

     First off I will state that I am a Republican and I’m voting that way. . . but by doing so I’m not voting for  Donald Trump; I’m voting for a way of life, for our freedom, for borders, for law and order, for the military, for freedom to worship, for freedom to speak without censure. And I am voting for life. A letter to the editor last week was entitled “Vote for What is Right,” and the writer advised the reader to vote your conscience. It begs the question, what has happened to America’s conscience?

    Of particular note is our collective signing off on abortion. The murder of millions of unborn babies is an immeasurable stain on the character of America. Granting the right to abortion allows us to kill human beings in the name of “choice.” To vacuum a woman’s womb, causing a living being to spiral down the birth canal to its death is in no way CHOICE. It is nothing short of murder and it is an affront to God. I am stunned by the callousness of women who say, “my body, my choice.” What about the 57 million aborted American babies, at least half of which are female, who did not have a choice? What about their rights? Where are all the feminists when a little girl is being chopped to pieces in utero?

     I am always taken aback by those who say we do not know for sure when life actually begins. If you are a believer, try arguing that point with God. The Bible leaves little doubt that life begins at the moment of conception; it is clearly stated in Psalm 139:13, 16: “For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb… your eyes saw my unformed body.” Also Jeremiah 1:5:  “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.”

       I am the daughter, wife, mother, and mother-in-law of physicians, and I know that each one of them has taken an oath to “do no harm.” All doctors are required to take that oath upon completing medical school. But those physicians who perform abortions violate their oath; they do irreparable harm, to the mother, to the baby and to our country. I would go so far as to argue that physicians who vote for a pro-choice platform violate that oath by supporting the killing of babies in the womb. Pro-choice advocates will argue that women will be regulated to coat hangers and back room operations once again but truly, there are so many birth control alternatives on the market now that unwanted pregnancies should be a rare occurrence.

       And now abortions have evolved from scraping the uterus to carving up and suctioning out a full-term human being who would live and grow if allowed to be born. The worse news is that we are moving rapidly from third-term abortions to the actual delivery of live infants who are regulated to a porcelain pan and set aside to die. How is that not murder? How did human life become so cheap?

    Mother Teresa wrote to the Supreme Court shortly after the Roe v. Wade decision. She quoted the Declaration of Independence, saying that its words have never lost their power to stir the heart: “all men are created equal; . . they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. . . .  Yet,” she said, “there has been one infinitely tragic and destructive departure from those American ideals. . . It was the court’s own decision in Roe v. Wade (1973) to exclude the unborn child from the human family.” It gave the mother the right to destroy her child. How did it become a right to kill an inconvenient child – millions and millions of them. We are numb to our conscience.

     So yes, while I am fully aware that many of my fellow citizens are hoping for a Democratic victory, I am praying for a Republican one because they, like me, choose life. How will God answer? In His wisdom He allows us free will, so it is we, the citizens of the United States of America, who will decide the outcome. As for me I will vote for the right to live.

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