Holocaust Denying Principal Does not Belong in Our Schools


On Monday, November 2, the Palm Beach County Public School Board will be holding a hearing on whether to terminate or re-hire William Latson, the former principal of Spanish River High School, who was fired after being caught saying that the Holocaust was not actually a crime. This will be our last chance to make sure that a man with such anti-historical, anti-Semitic delusions is kept out of a position of educational authority over developing minds — and does not receive a cent more of taxpayers’ money.

We call upon all concerned Palm Beach residents to attend the meeting in person, and tell the committee why terminating this man’s contract and not re-hiring him.

If you can come, please register as a speaker at the hearing by emailing Lauren Gross of the Gross Family Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust at LAGpalmbeach@gmail.com.

If you do not live in Palm Beach, you can call the board’s office and leave a polite voice message at (561) 434-8000; please also email these addresses with your message that Holocaust denial cannot be allowed in our schools:

• Governor Ron DeSantis:

• Richard Corcoran, State Commissioner of Education:

• Barbara Goldstein, Chairperson, State Task Force on Holocaust Education:

• Palm Beach County Board Members: (all 7 Members will receive this)

• Frank Barbieri, Chairman of the Palm Beach County School Board:

• Dr. Donald Fennoy, Superintendent, Palm Beach County School District:

• Keith Oswald, Deputy Superintendent, PB County School District:

• Edward Tierney, Chief of Staff, PB County School District:

• Dr. Glenda Sheffield, Chief Academic Officer, PB County School District:

• Diana Fedderman, Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, PB CtySchools:

• Andrew Marra, Palm Beach Post Education Reporter: amarra@pbpost.com


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