5 More COVID Charts Democrats — And The Press — Don’t Want You To See


When coronavirus cases started spiking in June, Democrats and the press treated it as a fresh sign that President Donald Trump had failed to contain the disease.

“There are now about 30,000 new cases per day in the United States, about 10 times higher than the roughly 3,000 new cases per day in the European Union,” noted one outlet.

“Experts from Europe have criticized a series of failings in the U.S., which they said had left Americans exposed to infection while in Europe, as lockdown eases, infection remains low,” reported another.

Joe Biden emerged from his bunker in the summer long enough to declare that “while other nations took steps to get control over COVID-19, Trump took no responsibility.”

So how do Joe and company explain the fact that coronavirus cases are now exploding in Europe at rates far higher than the U.S., that the share of positive test results is higher in Europe, as is the case fatality rate?

“There’s no question that the European region is an epicenter for disease right now,” said the World Health Organization’s Dr. Michael Ryan. “Right now we are well behind this virus in Europe so getting ahead of it is going to take some serious acceleration in what we do.”

The chart below shows daily new cases per 100,000 population in the U.S., Europe and a sampling of European countries.

Here’s a quick summary of some of the key figures released so far today:

  • 18,820 infections in Poland, a new record, and 236 new deaths.
  • 15,663 infections in the Czech Republic, a new record.
  • 14,964 infections in Germany, a new record, and 85 new deaths.
  • 8,616 infections in Switzerland, a new record.

Another way to look at this is to measure the share of tests that are returning positive results. The lower than percentage the better.

Meanwhile, say what you want about U.S. health care, but the disease is less deadly here than it is in most of Europe, based on case fatality data.

So where is all the outrage about Europe’s failure to contain this disease? Or credit to the U.S. for having a better handle on it than Europe? Where are the stories recognizing that this disease travels how it travels, and that there is little any government agency can do about it?

Better to ignore those points, since they undermine the Democrats’ claim that every coronavirus death in the U.S. is Trump’s fault because he – what? – didn’t keep the economy shut down longer? Didn’t impose an unconstitutional nationwide mask mandate?

Never mind that studies are piling up that show lockdowns have been ineffective.

As the Federalist reports, “In countries with strict lockdown measures such as France, cases rose by 25% in the past 14 days, topping the ‘record 18,000 threshold.’ Spain mandated drastic lockdown measures, some of which prevented children under 14 from playing outside for more than an hour, yet it maintains similar case numbers to France. The United Kingdom, whose government ordered a full stay-at-home order for seven weeks, has a ‘record levels’ of infections.”

What about the lack of a national mask mandate? Well, the current rise in cases in the U.S. is coming at a time when 35 states have statewide mask mandates, and many of the other 15 states have local mandates in their urban areas.

Democrats and the press also are unwilling to make it clear to the public that the risk of death from coronavirus remains almost entirely concentrated among the sick and elderly.


Almost 59% of deaths are among those 75 and older, according to the Centers for Disease Control, despite the fact that they account for a mere 7.2% of cases.

At the other end of the spectrum, those under 50 account for nearly 65% of the COVID-19 cases, but a tiny 5% of deaths.

No. All this must be hidden so that the public remains in a state of panic, at least until the election, since that will make voters more likely to blame the current president for our problems.

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