Joe Biden’s Potemkin Presidency: Will Socialist Soros And Other Extreme Leftists Call The Shots?

Joe Biden’s big selling point to both the Democratic Party and the American people was that, in a crowd of candidates standing far left of center, he was the moderate choice. Now, as he staffs a possible White House with far-left media re-treads and George Soros’ socialist acolytes, we’re seeing that his supposed moderation was just another of his endless lies.

No one should be surprised. President Barack Obama played the moderate in his first campaign, then became the most far-left president in our history. He, too, opened the White House doors to Soros-linked socialist apparatchiks. Their inept policies led inevitably to economic stagnation and the worst foreign policy disasters in decades.

Biden, Obama’s loyal, lap-doggish No. 2, is going with what he knows. He’s bringing in the hard-left legions for what he hopes will be his administration, just as Obama did.

“Joe Biden’s transition team includes several people affiliated with organizations bankrolled by the left-wing billionaire George Soros,” notes the Washington Free Beacon in a piece that lays out the shocking truth about Biden’s “moderation.”

This is not just political paranoia about the socialist Soros mafia.

“Sarah Cross, an advocacy director at Soros’ Open Society Foundations, received a seat on Biden’s State Department transition team,” the Free Beacon said. “Michael Pan, a special adviser in the executive office of the Open Society Foundations, will join the United States Mission to the United Nations team. Diane Thompson, who is listed as ‘self-employed’ and a member of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau team, is a current Leadership in Government Fellow at the Open Society Foundations.”

How does such clout come about? Soros spent $70 million pushing the fading Biden’s candidacy, nearly three times what he spent on Hillary Clinton in 2016. As bettors like to say, he had skin in the game, big time. Now he’s raking in his chips.

Soros is a co-founder of the Democracy Alliance, a laughably inapt name for a group of multi-millionaires and billionaires that collectively spent more than a quarter of a billion dollars to unseat Donald Trump.

But at stake are such economy-killing and liberty-denying policies as the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and a mandated $15 an hour national minimum wage.

And Soros is not the only extremist calling in political chits with the Biden White House. He’s just the richest, and most influential.

As American Thinker contributor Sally Zelikovsky wrote, a number of extremist groups are also laying claim to high-level policy posts they think they deserve. It’s not hard to see why: Biden is aging fast, and no doubt will defer increasingly to his extreme left vice president, Kamala Harris. It will be a Potemkin presidency, run by radicals.

“BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors penned a letter to Biden and Harris requesting involvement with the Transition Team, and reminded them that ‘(b)lack people won this election … BLM invested heavily in this election,’ and ‘(w)e want something for our vote.’ “

The BLM claim is of course laughably wrong. In fact, Trump did better among minorities, including African-Americans, than any Republican candidate in the last 60 years. But for leftists, the narrative means everything, the truth means nothing.

How about the media? They love to protest that they aren’t “biased,” and don’t favor one candidate over another. That’s obviously a lie. Study after study show that big media have an extreme left-wing bias, and they don’t really try to hide it much anymore.

Not surprisingly, just last week, MSNBC announced that four of its contributors would be joining the Biden White House (of course, assuming he wins). The Hill reported that historian Jon Meacham, legal analyst Barbara McQuade, political analyst Richard Stengel and Ezekiel Emanuel, formerly of the Obama administration, are moving over to work for Biden.

Expect more such announcements from MSNBC, easily the furthest left of any of the major networks. And remember that as MSNBC reports the “news”: Its reports aren’t really journalism, they’re job auditions.

But of all those now making claims, by far the most dangerous is Soros. He’s an inveterate collectivist, globalist true-believer, who will be happy only when the U.S. no longer has a Constitution or rule of law that will protect its citizens from tyranny.

He has been patient and generous in his support of local elections, especially district attorney races, seeding cities around America with far-left social-justice warriors disguised as prosecutors who have worked to defund local police, dropped charges against violent criminals, and made law enforcement nearly impossible in some cities.

They make up “a new crop of district attorneys who now preside over big cities with skyrocketing crime and frayed relationships with police departments,” the Washington Times reported recently.

Soros-backed DAs in PhiladelphiaSt. LouisSan Francisco and other cities have fired scores of experienced prosecutors and, as promised, stopped prosecuting low-level quality-of-life crimes such as disorderly conduct, vagrancy and loitering,” the Times added.

Americans beware. Bidenites will try to convince you through the big media and social media that they represent a “return to normalcy.” They don’t.

Many of those who will be forging and enacting policies under a Biden administration aren’t mere functionaries; they are in fact the next phase of a silent revolution of the far left. They seek no less than the dismantling of the U.S. as we know it. The 90-year-old Soros, still sharp as a tack and patient as ever, is their godfather, patron, theorist and tactician, all in one.

Average Americans, and the Senate, would be wise to watch carefully and be ready to act when the leftist outrages begin.

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