Black on Black Indifference By Marilyn Penn

Name a black American politician, academician or celebrity who has publicly condemned the atrocities of Boko Haram, Al Shabab or Al Qaeda Affiliates.  When did you see a protest march  by Black Lives Matter in solidarity with their murdered Nigerian sisters and brothers?  Has there been any black voice from any black group concerning the 219 schoolgirls who are still missing from the original 276 black girls kidnapped in Nigeria in  2014?  Has Oprah organized a campaign to raise awareness of this ongoing crime among all school-children here and in So. Africa where she has created her own school?  Have there been any demonstrations on American campuses concerning the targeting by Boko Haram of black Nigerian students – killing boys and kidnapping, raping and impregnating girls?  Which academic groups have organized to pressure our government or the UN to take action to stop the slaughter of thousands of Nigerian civilians, their villages burned by the vicious Muslim group whose name translates as “Western Education Forbidden.”  Point to a lead op-ed in the NYTimes written by Cornel West, Alice Walker, Al Sharpton or Spike Lee in the last year that has drawn world attention to the horrific slaughter led by Boko Haram, Al Shabab, Al Qaeda Affiliates or Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa.

To the east of Nigeria is Sudan and the newly formed South Sudan which gained its independence from the militantly Islamic north in 2011.  The South, comprised of Christian and other native religions has suffered starvation of thousands of its people along with rape, forced cannibalism and the massacres of thousands. Since 1955, more than two million people have died, tens of thousands have been kidnapped and enslaved and five million have been displaced in what was the longest running civil war among all nations.  Has the UN established an agency similar to UNRWA, the only relief organization dedicated solely to the needs of Palestinian refugees, kept in that status for more than three generations to sustain anti-Israel political hatred.  Have Europeans and Americans donated billions of dollars to help Christian Sudanese as they are threatened and menaced by Arabization and Islamization?  Has any Muslim organization offered food, medical care, social service welfare to the thousands of blacks victimized by Islamic violence in South Sudan?  The  Islamist persecution of blacks has spread all over Africa to countries like Mali, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Somalia and Tanzania –  has the Pope issued a plea for world leaders to intercede in this human tragedy?

Since these are all rhetorical questions to which you already know the answers, consider how much money has gone into creating and publicizing Israel Apartheid Week all over American campuses, how proficiently and amply groups such as BDS and Students for Justice in Palestine have turned more benign issues in the middle east into the cynosure of world attention.  The president of the UN himself found time to lament “the humiliation of Palestinians under occupation” –  when did he lament the murders, rapes and abductions taking place every day in Africa?  More than 1,000 black scholars, celebrities and activists have signed on to the Black Solidarity Statement with Palestine.  It calls for the US to end diplomatic and economic aid to Israel and for all black institutions to support BDS.  Black Lives Matter, Black Youth Project 100 and We Charge Genocide are some of the groups that have allied themselves with the “oppressed Palestinians” while Islamic forces continue to slaughter African blacks at a staggering rate.  What humanitarian supplications to cease the killing of black civilians have you seen by American groups like CAIR?  And how do you explain the inexplicable indifference of black Americans to the murder of their own people?

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