At 11 PM on election night, Purdue (R) was ahead by 3 points, 120,000 votes, with 90% of the total vote counted.   Loeffler was ahead by 2 1/2, 100,000 votes.   3 and 2 1/2 points with only 10% left to be counted.

Just as with the presidential election, only Atlanta had not reported. It was still counting absentee ballots…  mail-in ballots that should have been entered into the election machines immediately when the polls closed at 7.

Atlanta waited to report until all the rest of the state had reported just as on Nov 3.

 At 11 PM, Atlanta announced that it was suspending counting and announced resumption would begin at 8 AM the next morning.

Then, once again as on Nov 3, in the middle of the night, when America was sleeping, Atlanta resumed counting.  Just about all the votes, 170,000 additional  ballots from Atlanta, went to the Democrats.

America will continue to learn what fraud really happened in the 2020 elections for generations to come.  But by then, the bad guys will have done their damage.

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