Benjamin Gitlow, ex-Communist Eileen F. Toplansky ******

As the enemies of America are bent on shredding our Constitutional guarantees, it is important to note the courage of a once devout communist who, at great risk to himself, made a principled stand against Communism.

Benjamin Gitlow was one of the most committed American communists who rose to power.  Yet, as his son recounts in the introduction to his father’s 1948 book titled The Whole of Their Lives, Gitlow “was one of the few leaders in the early years of the American Communist party who recognized the threat to the aspirations of man that communism presents, and who rejected its oppressive discipline.”  This book recounts the experiences of those who had once embraced communism and now had the moral courage to recognize the “betrayal of human values which is inherent in communism.”

In 1929 at the Moscow meeting of the Communist International Gitlow refused to accept the dictates of Stalin and announced he would oppose Stalin’s orders to the American Communist Party.   From then on, Gitlow became an avid anti-communist.

Max Eastman who wrote the Foreword to the book asserts that:

“Our civilization is in peril because so many eager and uncritical minds, beguiled by the communist ideal, instead of being trained in virtue, are trained to renounce all moral standards in the service of their ideal.  Those consecrating themselves to communism must not only cast out truth, mercy, justice, and personal honor, but undergo a sickening discipline in lies, cruelty, crime and self abasement.”

Almost 75 years later and America is faced with the radical Leftwing “critical theory, which is a demonic and toxic ideology that basically destroys everything around itself.”

Consequently, “[w]hat we’re seeing in America right now is the rise of Communism—plain and simple. If you study history, you can see many parallels of communist regimes that have risen up throughout history to what is happening right here in the United States of America, right now today.” Examples abound:

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey admits that the big tech company is exploring a long-term political censorship campaign to purge and ban users the company deems unacceptable.

Ocasio-Cortez has decided that she and her allies will be the arbiters of what Americans will be able to access. ‘We’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so that you can’t just spew disinformation and misinformation. It’s one thing to have differing opinions, but it’s another thing entirely to just say things that are false. And so that’s something that we’re looking into.’

This from a woman who in 2019 told Anderson Cooper on “60 minutes” that she was less worried about making factual statements and more focused on prioritizing morality.

Former Facebook executive Alex Stamos called for conservative news alternatives OANN and Newsmax to be deplatformed saying that “[w]e have to turn down the capability of these Conservative influencers to reach these huge audiences.”

Free speech on campus is long since gone.  Thus, “while some campus radicals are avowedly Marxists, most are not [.] The view that prevails among today’s radicalized faculty members and students is not a hard-core Marxist formulation but a tissue of glib rationalizations about ‘privilege’ and ‘power.'”

But it surely sets the stage for a fascist environment. Dr. King stated that “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity,” yet it abounds from the halls of learning. Couple this with an overbearing and arrogant grab for power and it is a recipe for the most heinous of outcomes.

Consequently,  Katie Couric, a former co-anchor of NBC’s Today show asks “How are we going to . . . deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump?”

DeBlasio  has decided that New York City will terminate Trump contracts.  What used to be the financial center of the world is unraveling before our eyes because of Comrade DeBlasio’s hatred of the free market.  Politics appears to trump economics in DeBlasio’s communist world view.

 Moreover, Harvard students demand that the university revoke the degrees of  Trump supporters.  What is lost on these students is the College arms – a shield with the Latin motto “VERITAS” (“Verity” or “Truth”).

So now these ignorant demagogues have joined hands with those brutal leaders who erased people who posed a threat to them.   Welcome to the land of the Stalinist devil.

Because Communists are always ready to “employ trickery, deceit, lawbreaking, withholding and concealing truth” far too many naive Americans fall prey to an ideology which is the antithesis of what they actually believe.”

In fact, the most radical idea in the world “rests on the bedrock of individual liberty and recognition of the rights of man.”

But the plethora of people and companies who are boarding the ship of hate are going through a “total metamorphosis so complete that they are mentally and morally changed into different human beings.”  They have allowed themselves to “become voluntary victims of a conditioning process which subjugates the will of the individual to the will of the organization.”  Think Antifa or BLM.

Gitlow aptly describes “men and women imbued with a compassion . . . for others [who eventually] become sadistic gangsters.” Actions that these sadists claim their victims employ is in reality a projection of the very base things they commit as they humiliate those with whom they revile.

The Left is a master at “chicanery, intrigue, conceit, tricks of the sycophants and double-dealers.”  They are now in full force in this country.

Consider the absolute undue process that has described the election procedures.

Language is debased and twisted.  It is as if Lenin is speaking from the grave — “We can and must write . . . in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, scorn and the like toward those of differing opinion.”

So in public schools across the country little children are being primed to hate themselves for the color of their skin all under the guise of anti-racist education from people like Ibram X. Kendi.  Kendi’s parents were “former student activists who had come of age during the Black Power movement of the 1960s and ’70s, when they embraced the radical, pro-Marxist tenets of black liberation theology.  In fact, “[o]f all the individuals whose political and ideological views are examined in [Kendi’s] Stamped from the Beginning, the one who is portrayed most explicitly in heroic terms is the lifelong communist revolutionary Angela Davis.”

In his other book titled I Confess: The Truth About American Communism” Benjamin Gitlow writes “[t]o yield to Communism is to permit the abrogation of our liberties and the institution of a system of state exploitation of labor that would make of our people chattels of the dictatorial regime.”

Free labor cannot exist under Communism any more than it can exist under Fascism.  Neither regime recognizes the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The history of Man is a sanguine record of stubborn struggles against oppression, of countless sacrifices for the sake of freedom.  We cannot lightly surrender this dearly won heritage.

If democracy in America, precious for all its imperfections, were to be replaced by a Communist dictatorship, a new American Revolution would have to be fought to re-establish the rights of Man.  Economic security and freedom go hand in hand.  Only through the democratic process can both be achieved.

Initially, Gitlow believed that “communism paved the way to economic betterment and freedom never before enjoyed by the individual.”  But he soon realized that what was being proposed “were the seeds of a despotism that would be more ugly, more brutal than the despotism of the Czars.”

Communism “has been tried for more than 100 years and the results are always the same.  Its fruits are death, destruction, and despair.”

Communism is responsible for the murder of  100 million people in the 20th century yet most young people in America are simply ignorant of its evil.

We need to be consistently vigilant and change the hearts and minds of our young.  To do anything else, is to relinquish them to lives of misery, treachery, and anguish.


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