Herb was our tireless leader and good friend. Rael Jean Isaac and I published OUTPOST with contributing columns both in print and online for decades. I also worked with Peter Goldman as an editor of the film NBC Goes to Lebanon- conceived by Jeffrey Benson with whom I spent endless hours reviewing news clips about Israel, which Jeff catalogued and ordered from a news film archive. Those were heady days in AFSI’s efforts to defend Israel. I miss Herb until this day…..rsk
A true giant of pro-Israel activism in America passed away ten years ago this Tu B’Shvat. Herb Zweibon, the founder and president of Americans For A Safe Israel / AFSI, died on Tu B’Shvat, January 19, 2011. It seems extremely appropriate that someone who focused so much of his energy, money, and time dedicated to bringing peace, security. and prosperity to the Land of Israel should have his life forever connected to a holiday that has at its core the themes of Israel’s agriculture and land, the centrality of Jerusalem, and the importance of contributing to charity.
Herb Zweibon was born and raised in an extended family that was one of the leading pillars of the Jabotinsky movement in America since the 1940s. He was a successful businessman, a loving family man and a highly patriotic American who served in the U.S. military in World War Two. Perhaps those things were all a direct result of his personal internalization of the great pre-World War Two Zionist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s teaching of concepts such as Hadar, self-respect and self-discipline.