The Left’s Ongoing Campaign to Denigrate Trump Supporters By David Limbaugh

If the first week of leftist insanity gushing from President Joe Biden’s executive pen doesn’t vindicate Donald Trump’s supporters in full measure, I don’t know what could. Scratch that. There is much more to come.

Trump supporters have long touted the former president’s impressive policy achievements as proof they were wise in supporting him and correct that an outsider could get results.

We’ve learned in the past few months who is running this country: the media, the social media oligarchy, cancel culture and leftist dark money being poured into the system. These forces have weaponized identity politics and empowered the Democratic Party to regain control and move this country leftward at warp speed, which means destroying prosperity and jobs.

Trump haters have been salivating for years over an opportunity to finally bring him crashing down in disgrace, and take his allegedly evil supporters along with him — never to rise again and impede their progressive agenda.

They tried for Trump’s entire term to overturn the results of the 2016 election. They engaged in a coordinated effort to undo what the voters had done, corrupting our security agencies and our government institutions to lead a soft, sophisticated coup that makes Jan. 6 look like amateur hour.

With assists from the media and the rest of the leftist political and cultural establishment, these forces escaped accountability and proceed as cavalierly as ever, as if nothing ever happened. In a particularly in-your-face move, these bullies have designated one of the central players in the coup, Rep. Eric Swalwell, to be an impeachment manager in their post-term impeachment gambit.

This Trump-hating cabal is convinced it finally hit pay dirt with the events of Jan. 6. With ferocious intensity, they’re pushing the narrative that Trump himself incited an insurrection to violently overturn the government.Feel free to debate Trump’s culpability in all this (and ignore his express words calling for a peaceful march), but you should take a moment to reflect on this bad-faith attempt to tie rank-and-file Trump supporters to this event and viciously depict all of them as radical white supremacists.

The overwhelming majority of Trump supporters have consistently condemned violence no matter the source. They did not and would not support the storming of the Capitol. No matter how vociferously the left claims otherwise, the millions of Trump supporters are still America-loving, Constitution-respecting, rule of law-advocating patriots. Despite the left’s best efforts, Jan. 6 does not discredit Trump supporters. This is not merely a technical point, because Trump haters want to vilify all of us both as a matter of pride and to render us impotent as a political movement.

As part of this, they seek to malign the millions of Christian Trump supporters as having sold their souls and betrayed their faith. Certain prominent Trump haters have viciously and personally denounced the Christian right. Meanwhile, they have little to say of Biden’s already unveiled leftist extremism and his dedication to a godless, pro-death agenda.

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