How Gone is He? Scott Johnson

President Biden claimed during his CNN town hall in Wisconsin on Tuesday that his administration came into office with no coronavirus vaccines available. Zachary Evans gives this helpful straight news account for NR (also published here at Yahoo! News):

Biden received his first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on December 21, and the second dose in January. While discussing the issue of vaccine supply during the town hall, Biden initially said there were 50 million doses available when he assumed office.

“We came into office, there were only 50 million doses that were available. By the end of July we’ll have over 600 million doses,” Biden told host Anderson Cooper.

However, Biden also said “we got into office and found out…there was nothing in the refrigerator, figuratively and literally speaking, and there were 10 million doses a day that were available.” (The Biden administration’s initial target was to administer 1 million vaccine doses per day, a pace already set by the time the president was sworn in.)

“It’s one thing to have the vaccine, which we didn’t have when we came into office, but” one also needs “a vaccinator,” Biden subsequently told Cooper, when asked about the logistics of getting shots to Americans.

Biden’s remarks are confused, confusing, and absurdly erroneous. How gone is he? Or aren’t we supposed to ask?

Exit question: Where have all the vaccinators gone?

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