The coup began way before Donald Trump became President. The seeds go back to the conditioning of Americans to accept riots and chaos as just an unpleasant part of our modern culture. The culmination of that conditioning was the acceptance of the chaos that happened throughout 2020. How many mayors and governors of SDe run cities and states allowed and even endorsed these riots and chaos that burned down their cities? Public and private buildings, personal property, and even lives be damned.
These kinds of chaos, violence, and riots are real life example of revolts. Do you remember Maxine Waters inciting these riots? She did, and there are videos. Other members of Congress and the Senate; were also endorsing the chaos. Senator Schumer stood on the steps of the Supreme Court and threatened some of the justices. The SDe have been inciting riots throughout President Trump’s term of office. The SDe have made chaos, riots, and insurrection acceptable for too many Americans.
Elements of the 2020-2021 Coup
First, in the interest of brevity, I am going to define a few terms and abbreviations I will use in this article.
Coup: The taking control of a government by any means other than that government’s established legal process. Revolution, insurrection, or revolt could be used as alternative terms.