“Why Johnny Can’t Read—And What You Can Do About It” is a 1955 book-length exposé on American reading education by Rudolf Flesch. It was an immediate bestseller for 37 weeks.

I will respectfully add more reasons for why Johnny can’t read:

He is taught  that he could be Janie struggling to get out of his boy’s anatomy and told that he is genetically and inherently a racist and has to shed his “whiteness.” Both sound very painful.

He’s confused about the fact that non-racist sum of 2+2 may not be 4.

He’s alarmed that impending global warming may melt Yankee Stadium.

He is bewildered by the fact that he may only describe his best friend as “they.”

He is told that his parents who supported Donald Trump are white supremacists.

All the above is delivered in online classes.

The poor kid is anxious and terrified. No wonder he can’t read…rsk








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