German State Govt Says No Permit Needed for Islamic Call to Prayer Over Loudspeakers Everyone in the state will hear the multiculturalism five times daily now. Robert Spencer

Here is some exciting news for those who are impatient for our glorious multicultural future to arrive. A cultural line has been crossed. And the implications of this, beyond the expected hosannas from the usual proponents of globalism and multiculturalism, are ominous.

The German-language Junge Freiheit reported Monday that “according to the Hessian state government, muezzin calls can be made without a permit.” The Hessians have a bad record going back to serving as mercenaries in the British army during the American Revolution, and this isn’t any better. The state government explained in response to an inquiry from the Alliance for Germany (AfD), which opposes mass migration: “Contrary to the assumption of the questioner, no (immission control) approval is required for the Muslim call to prayer, with or without loudspeaker. Approvals were therefore not granted and can therefore not be withdrawn or revoked.”

The AfD inquiry had noted that the Islamic call to prayer was broadcast over loudspeakers “in many cases with massive disapproval from the affected non-Muslim population, who saw the muezzin call as an expression of Islamic dominance and a violation of their own religious and cultural identity.”

The Hessian state government brushed such concerns aside and implied that the questioners were bigoted even just for raising such concerns: “In a society that gives room to different beliefs, there is no right to be spared from contact with deviating statements of faith or religious symbols, even under the aspect of so-called negative religious freedom.”

So that’s that. Now we all lock arms and since “The Internationale” together as we march into the glorious multicultural future, right? Maybe, but the Hessian state government may not be expecting the future it is actually going to get. When the state of Hesse allows public broadcasts the Islamic call to prayer, what exactly is it allowing? The adhan, prayed in Arabic, goes like this:

Allah is greater (Allahu akbar); intoned four times.

I testify that there is no God but Allah (Ashhadu anna la ila ill Allah); intoned twice.

I testify that Mohammed is Allah’s Prophet (Ashhadu anna Muhammadan rasul Allah); intoned twice.

Come to prayer (Hayya alas salah); intoned twice.

Come to security/salvation (Hayya alal falah); intoned twice.

Allah is greater (Allahu akbar); intoned twice.

There is no God but Allah (La ilah ill Allah); intoned once.

Dr. Gavin Ashenden, former chaplain to the British queen, who resigned his position in protest against a Qur’an reading in a Scottish church, observed that “the Muslim call to prayer is a dramatic piece of Islamic triumphalism. It proclaims Islam’s superiority over all other religions, and in so doing casts Jesus in the role of a charlatan and a liar. The Muslim god, Allah, is unknowable and has no son. Jesus was, therefore, a fraud in claiming He and the Father are one.”

Is Hesse really wise to broadcast repeatedly, in a historically Christian land, a declaration of the superiority of Islam, a faith that directs its adherents to make war against Christians and other non-Muslims and subjugate them as inferiors under the hegemony of believers (cf. Qur’an 9:29)?

Is Hesse wise to broadcast the cry “Allahu akbar,” beloved of jihad terrorists the world over? Chief 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta wrote this in his letter to himself before carrying out his jihad mission: “When the confrontation begins, strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world. Shout, ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers.” This is why the Fort Hood jihad killer, Nidal Malik Hasan, shouted it as he shot thirteen Americans in November 2009, and why so many other jihadis have used it essentially as an announcement that non-Muslims are about to die.

But in Germany today, any such concerns will be dismissed out of hand as “Islamophobic.” Angela Merkel is no doubt certain that Muslim communities in the country will be grateful, and will redouble their efforts to become loyal, productive citizens, and jihad activity will cease. Right? That’s the way it will most certainly work out. No Muslims will take seriously the adhan’s declarations of Islamic superiority and heed the Qur’an’s calls to wage war against unbelievers. Will they? In multiculti Germany today, such an idea is inconceivable!

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