Why Is Everyone Swallowing Biden’s Lies?


How did this happen? How did the nation go in an instant from disbelieving every utterance of Donald Trump to robotically repeating — and acting on — every claim that falls out of Joe Biden’s mouth, no matter how disconnected from the truth?

The most glaring example involves Biden’s fact-challenged tirade against Georgia’s new voting law. At his first and only press conference, Biden declared the state’s efforts to protect against voter fraud were worse than Jim Crow, “un-American,” “sick,” and “despicable.” (This was the same press conference where moments later Biden bragged about how much time he’s spent with China’s genocidal communist dictator before calling him “a smart, smart guy.”)

In any case, everything Biden said about Georgia’s voting law was either a gross mischaracterization or an outright lie.

Even the Washington Post’s notoriously biased fact-checker had to admit as much, giving Biden four “Pinocchios” — its worst rating on the truth scale — for his claims.

Yet, Biden’s blatant falsehoods were enough to convince Major League Baseball, an army of CEOs, and various other leaders to threaten to punish Georgia and threaten any other state that dares try to protect their elections from fraud.

A Morning Consult poll found that while more people supported Georgia’s law than opposed it, the margin was thin — 42% said they support the law, while 36% oppose it. But, the survey also found that 62% of “avid” MLB fans supported the league’s decision to move the All-Star game out of Georgia because of this law.


Next consider Biden’s decision to turn a shooting rampage by a self-described sex addict, who killed eight people at massage parlors in Georgia — six of them Asian — to rid himself of temptation, into a claim that it was a hate crime.

Biden even rushed down to Atlanta to fan the flames, saying that “Documented incidents against — of hate against Asian Americans have seen a skyrocketing spike over the last year, let alone the ones that happened and never get reported.”

Except the shootings weren’t racially motivated. Hate crimes against Asians are relatively few in number — and many are perpetrated by blacks.

As Heather Mac Donald pointed out:

A black New Yorker is over six times as likely to commit a hate crime against an Asian as a white New Yorker, according to New York Police Department data. In 2020, blacks made up 50% of all suspects in anti-Asian attacks in New York City, even though blacks are 24% of the city’s population.

Yet, once Biden made his pronouncement, suddenly everyone was talking about hate crime against Asians and tying it to white supremacists (and Trump because he called COVID the China virus). This week the Senate moved a bill forward — by a 92 to 6 vote — called the Covid-19 Hate Crimes Act, which is supposed to “strengthen federal efforts to address hate crimes directed at Asian-Americans.”

Biden is getting pretty good at this.

He lies about the filibuster (National Review called them “brazen beyond belief”). He lies about the border crisis. He lies about his role in getting vaccines distributed. And everyone falls into lockstep.

Now, we know why the mainstream press parrots everything Biden says. They are nothing more than Democratic operatives with bylines, as Glenn Reynolds puts it on his Instapundit blog.

But why are corporate executives falling for it? Why are officials with sports leagues? Why are politicians in both parties bending to Biden’s reality distortion field?

How can someone who is barely lucid, who has trouble even reading his teleprompter, who — at best — eked out a presidential victory and — at worst — stole it, who has never had anything remotely like an enthusiastic following, suddenly hold such sway over so many people? How is he setting the national agenda?

Has the country truly gone this mad?

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