Woke culture is ‘infecting schools’ and turning education into indoctrination by ‘poisoning’ children’s minds, ‘Woke Inc’ author warns By Ariel Zilber


American schools are ‘going down the tubes’ because they have been ‘infected’ with ‘woke culture’ that has ‘sacrificed the idea of excellence’ by ‘indoctrinating’ students, according to a leading critic.

Vivek Ramaswamy spoke out in response to two separate controversies that impacted elite New York City prep schools where parents complained their children were being brainwashed with anti-racism ideology.

Ramaswamy, a biotech entrepreneur and the author of Woke, Inc, compared the wave of ‘wokeness’ in schools to China’s Cultural Revolution of the 60s and 70s, when the people were indoctrinated with Maoism by the Communist Party.

Ramaswamy added: ‘We have also sacrificed the idea of excellence and when we have gotten rid of excellence, I think our schools are going down the tubes.’

His comments came just days after a father removed his daughter from an elite, all-girls Manhattan private school, Brearley, that counts Tina Fey and Drew Barrymore among its parents.

Andrew Gutmann, 45, had announced in an April 13 letter shared by Bari Weiss this week that he has chosen not to reenroll his daughter in the all-girls school where annual tuition is $54,000.

He pulled his daughter from the school over its woke antiracism ‘obsession.’ He accused the school of ‘teaching what to think not how to think.’

The school responded by slamming him for being ‘offensive.’

Last week, a math teacher who went public with his complaints that another elite New York City prep school, Grace Church School, was indoctrinating students with anti-racism ideology.

Grace Church School teacher Paul Rossi on Friday revealed that he will have to teach remotely rather than return to his classroom at the elite prep school in Manhattan’s East Village Monday.

Rossi told DailyMail.com he received an email from school Principal George P. Davison this morning saying he should stay home until further notice for ‘security concerns.’ He is said to have been asked to stay home after another colleague threatened him in the wake of his complaints being published.

Rossi drew media attention earlier this week after publishing a blog post accusing the school of indoctrinating students with ‘anti-racism’ ideology that ‘induces shame’ in white students for being ‘oppressors’.

He said he decided to come forward because he could no longer stay silent while ‘witnessing the harmful impact’ that anti-racism instruction has on children.

Principal Davison addressed the scathing post in a letter to parents and staff Tuesday saying he was ‘disappointed’ the teacher had chosen to air his ‘differences’ in a public forum.

 Topher Nichols, chief communications officer for Grace Church School, however, told DailyMail.com Thursday that Rossi wouldn’t be fired or face discipline over his post.

But Ramaswamy told Fox News that these incidents illustrate the extent to which American children are being brainwashed.

‘I think it’s going to be really damaging, poisoning the minds of our next generation,’ he told Fox News.

‘The thing about America as a country is that we are not like many other countries throughout history – defined on the basis of a single ethnicity, or a single language, or a single monarch.

‘America is an idea, and part of being an idea as a country means this.

‘The way we describe America affects that America actually works, that’s why we call it the American dream. It’s what we aspire to. E pluribus unum (out of many, one). That’s what we should be aspiring to, ideas that bind us together.

He added: ‘Instead we have been obsessing over diversity, our differences, for a decade now forgetting all of the ways in which we are actually the same, and now that’s getting transmitted to the next generation.

‘I think the way we describe this country to them will affect the way it works in the next generation, and that’s something to be really frightened of.’

Gutmann, who runs his family’s chemical business, told the New York Post on Saturday that he penned the 1,700-word letter he mailed to 650 different families because ‘someone had to speak out.’ He said he does not regret sending the letter.

‘She hasn’t been brainwashed yet by the school – but she’s had me at home. I’m not so sure that’s true of the other kids,’ Gutmann told the outlet, referring to his daughter.

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