Those of us who so deeply love America, with all that its glorious Constitution means, increasingly see how perilous the present and the future has become for the survival of the nation that is the “land of the free and the home of the brave.”
For long decades, in the face of unrelenting Marxist hostility and aggression, loyal and patriotic Americans were nevertheless still imbued with a deep conviction of the rightness and righteousness of their cause.
Many still are and fight against unremitting and hostile influences that would consign the United States to the abyss, but far too many today have fallen away and been seduced by an overwhelming onslaught – not of military might – but by a war of ideas, however false and twisted those ideas are. The success of those lies has sapped the will of many and confused many more. Their brains have truly been dulled and they have forgotten that their nation is in the right.
We have all heard of the Big Lie theory that was so successfully enunciated and practiced by Adolf Hitler’s propaganda minister, Josef Goebbels. The theory essentially posits that people will believe in a lie if it is big enough and repeated enough times.
Goebbels knew that most people had a scant understanding of a situation but when they heard the same lie repeated again and again they would begin to accept unquestionably what was being told to them. Goebbels put it this way:
“The rank and file is usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious. The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly … it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”
The Socialists and Marxists among us have learned this lesson all too well for they have succeeded in doing what the years of Communist warfare by the Soviet Union failed to do. But relentlessly and surreptitiously they have isolated and indoctrinated the young in state schools and colleges as never before. At the same time they have demonized American history with the Goebbelian technique of the Big Lie theory.