‘Wrong Way’ Biden Is Taking The Nation Wildly Off Course


“Or, perhaps more appropriately, Biden is the new “Wrongway Feldman,” the fictional “Gilligan’s Island” pilot who was described as so incompetent that he once bombed his own airfield. We’ll let history decide which one he resembles most.”

If President Joe Biden’s navigating skills were any good, the southern border would be calm, inflation under control, every American safely out of Afghanistan, and COVID defeated. Instead, we are left to wonder how it is that his sense of direction can be so fabulously wrong.

At his first-ever press conference from the White House in March, a reporter asked Biden about the surge at the border, which happened to coincide with his taking office.

“The truth of the matter is, nothing has changed,” Biden, after suggesting that he’d studied the immigration charts, said. “It happens every single solitary year. There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March.

“The reason they’re coming,” he went on, “is that it’s the time they can travel with the least likelihood of dying on the way because of the heat in the desert.”

At the end of April, Biden reassured the nation that he’d flown past the problem. “Well, look, it’s way down now. We’ve now gotten control.”


Take a look at the blue line in the chart below. Notice when it starts to dramatically diverge from previous years? Notice how it is not going down, despite the “heat in the desert.”

Source: U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Worse, the number of unaccompanied children has more than doubled – it’s up 163% over last year. Meanwhile, in an attempt to hide the scale of the current crisis, the Biden administration temporarily banned Fox News from flying drones over some 15,000 illegal immigrants that were huddled under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas – mostly people who managed to get there from their island homeland of Haiti.

On the economy, Biden repeatedly told the country that he was certain that his economic policies would lead the U.S. to prosperity. Inflation, he said, was a temporary artifact of his plan working.

In May, he said that the “experts” he talked to “do not see signs of persistent dislocation or long-term inflation.” In July, he said that “our experts believe and the data show that most of the price increases we’ve seen were expected and are expected to be temporary. The reality is you can’t flip the global economics light back and not expect this to happen.”

Look at the chart below and see just how wrong Biden’s heading has been. Inflation has remained unusually high, even as the months stretch on and the alleged transitory effects should have long since passed.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

We’ve already detailed Biden’s false predictions about the withdrawal from Afghanistan. But as a reminder, in early July here’s what he said: “The likelihood that there’s going to be a Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.” So, he directed American troops out, and the resulting chaos cost 13 American soldiers their lives and stranded Americans and allies under Taliban rule.

Then, there’s COVID. Biden won the election and came into office promising that, unlike the supposedly inept Donald Trump, he would pilot the nation on the proper course to defeat the pandemic.

By mid-May, he was already claiming to be well on the way. “Thanks a lot to the hard work of so many people, COVID cases are down in all 50 states,” Biden said. “We’re not done fighting this virus,” he added, “but we are making significant progress.”

Below is the CDC chart showing what happened since the day he made that declaration. Also, more than 82,000 people have died from COVID since mid-May.

In every one of these cases, Biden had plenty of warning that he was headed in the wrong direction.

Conservatives predicted that by making a 180-degree turn on Trump’s border policies, Biden would create an immigration crisis.

Even leftist economists warned Biden that his reckless and unneeded $1.9 trillion “rescue” plan – which he signed a full year after the recession had ended – would take the nation into an inflationary spiral.

Biden had been warned by people on the ground that the Taliban would take over Afghanistan as soon as he started withdrawing troops.

And Biden made his promise to bring a swift end to COVID to help him win the election, not based on any epidemiological compass.

Biden is turning out to be the presidential equivalent of “Wrong Way” Corrigan, the real-life pilot who in 1938 set off to fly from New York to Long Beach, California, but went 3,000 miles in the opposite direction and ended up in Ireland.

Or, perhaps more appropriately, Biden is the new “Wrongway Feldman,” the fictional “Gilligan’s Island” pilot who was described as so incompetent that he once bombed his own airfield.

We’ll let history decide which one he resembles most.

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