There are some twenty sovereign Arab states throughout the Middle East and North Africa, but much of the world demands in a chorus of barely disguised animosity towards tiny Israel, that yet another Arab state be created. It would be imposed upon the Biblical and ancestral Jewish heartland of Israel, known as Judea and Samaria – or still called by a maliciously hostile world, the ‘West Bank.’ That was the grotesque name the Jordanians gave it during their invasion and 19 year old theft from 1948 to 1967 of the ancient and Biblical Jewish heartland – an illegal occupation recognized only by Pakistan and Britain.
Reconstituted Israel, a territory no larger than the tiny principality of Wales or the state of New Jersey, would be forced to share its G-d given inheritance with a deeply hostile Arab jihadist entity, already termed the ‘Palestinian Authority.’ It would then be criminally elevated and demonically sanctified with the name ‘State of Palestine’ by those throughout the world whose hatred of the Jewish faith knows no bounds. This would result in Israel’s present narrow waist reduced yet again to a suicidal width at its most populous region – what an earlier Israeli statesman, Abba Eban, described as the Auschwitz borders and for good reason.
There has never existed in all of recorded history an independent sovereign nation called Palestine – and certainly not an Arab one. The term “Palestine” has always been the name given to a non-state geographical territory, as for instance, Siberia or Patagonia. It has never been a sovereign independent state even though the Arab League and the 57 member Islamic states in the corrupt UN routinely pressure the equally corrupt UNESCO to falsely add Western Sahara and so-called Palestine as sovereign Arab states.
But there is an indigenous people in the Middle East who deserve a state and, like the Jews, trace their ancestry back thousands of years They are the Kurds, and it is highly instructive to review their remarkable history in conjunction with that of the indigenous Jews. It is also necessary to review the historical injustice imposed upon them over the centuries by hostile neighbors and empires.