Doing the Enemies’ Bidding Eileen F. Toplansky

In his 1980 book titled Seeds of Progress, Leonard E. Read reminds the reader of the prescient words of George Washington.

There is a natural and necessary progression from the extreme of anarchy to the extreme of tyranny, and arbitrary power is most established on the ruins of liberty.

Leonard E. Read then goes on quote Dr. Ludwig von Mises who wrote “Socialism is planned chaos.  Anarchy is unplanned chaos.”

Consider the weeks of violence and anarchy in Portland and other cities.  It was the first step in the communists’ designs upon America.  The continuing erosion of our culture is intended to restrain America’s potential in every conceivable way.

Furthermore, in the chapter “Two Ways to Go Wrong” Read emphasizes that those who would deny impartial justice will heartily support anarchy and tyranny.

First tell me who you are and then I’ll tell you what your rights are.

A society in which gross inequalities before the law are tolerated will prevent the market from operating in its economic life.

And so socialism and communism worm their way into the fabric of our lives aided and abetted by the most Leftwing President this country has ever experienced and our economy is worsening.

As Read asserts “[w]hen the government enters your home, takes your possessions, keeps them for himself or gives it to others to obtain their votes, it is coercive force.”

When Biden mandates what people must do with their bodies and when his henchmen (DeBlasio, Murphy, Lightfoot and Newsom) dictate where Americans can dine, shop and enjoy life, we are in the throes of a dictatorship.

The internal enemies of the state are ensuring that America’s youth are denied learning about their birthright and the foundational ideas such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  Without understanding and valuing these basic principles, the young cannot perceive they are worth defending.  Mull over the erasure of the 1776 Project by Biden.

Instead, indoctrinate them with misinformation and outright lies and demand they regurgitate the information.  Create at least two generations of historically illiterate youth.  Consider the administration’s embrace of Critical Race Theory.

Eliminate literature that emphasizes character building. Instead advocate tracts of repetitive hate-filled ideas that  pit student against student based on their skin pigmentation. Reflect on the adoption of the works of anti-White author Ibrahim Kendi with nary a word from the Department of Education.

Distort language so students are ignorant of the nuances of words and ideas and cannot engage in genuine critical thinking or introspective questioning.  Heck, men are women and girls can be erased altogether. Confusion abounds because as Jacques Barzun stated, “[i]ntellect deteriorates after every surrender to folly.  Unless we consciously resist, the nonsense does not pass us by but into us.”

Should one, however, dare to speak out, quickly punish the offending individual. Consider the ongoing censorship and assault against speakers on campuses and no rebuke from the administration. Consider the inhumane incarceration of Americans who marched on January 6, 2021.

To ensure that no pocket of loyalty to the country remain, begin the process of  demoralization and work toward rendering powerless the mightiest army in the world via social experimentation. Work to replace a defensive force by using a coercive force via the government.

Undermine those who put their lives on the line and then defund the police, hamstring and lie about border security guards and destroy any semblance of law and order as citizens scramble to protect their lives and property.

As an enemy, gleefully continue to support the top brass at the FBI who no longer stand for Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity.  Eliminate due process, fair trials, credible proof, reliable witnesses and disinterested judges. Install an Attorney General who is well-schooled in perverting the scales of justice.

Harangue the citizenry with feel-good ideas such as citizen patrols who will now substitute for the police. When an increase in mayhem, violence, and fear occur, do not criticize the decision makers but instead blame others.

As Biden strenuously works to bankrupt the nation — all for a new green deal, it should be noted as Benjamin Jowett has stated  “a virtuous tyrant is a contradiction in terms.”  In fact, Biden and company “want to practice the Marxian dictum, ‘from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs’ and thus tyranny has acquired the appearance of virtue!”

Support the virtue-signalers. Church groups and others who aid illegals only prove that their false virtue is true hypocrisy.  If they were not handsomely funded by the government to break American law would they still engage in these alleged charitable acts?  Are they good doers or do-gooders as Leonard Reed asks?

To heighten the fear of the citizenry, create suspicion and dread by exaggerating about a disease, ignore life-saving medicine and punish those who dare to speak out.  After all, if health were the real issue, then why does Biden continue to let in thousands of unvetted and unvaccinated people into the country?  It is because health is not actually the issue.  Clearly, the illegals will overwhelm the hospitals, sicken Americans, burden the schools and engulf social services. But they will be the underbelly of voters to ensure a future one-party Democrat government.  And just like in every other communist nation, the sanctity of voting will have been destroyed.

Shattering  the physical and spiritual well being of Americans, be they plumbers or pilots, by coercion, threats, pariah status and loss of income is the way to successfully grind down  this mighty country.

In fact, the nightmare that Americans are beginning to recognize is the dream fantasy of the progressive Marxists.  The Left exults as communism spreads its tentacles across the fruited plain.

Americans must not be afraid to use the “c” word – communism.

Because in good and terrifying communist fashion, the move to wrest control over young Americans is broadening. As the state demands the inoculation of the young with an unproven drug whose adverse side effects are now in the thousands, children become pawns of the state.  It does not matter that this coercive action goes against  a myriad of human rights documents.  Why should that bother socialists and communists?  Remember it was the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazis) and the  Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) that ushered in the terrors of the 20th century.

And with sweet sounding disingenuousness, America’s internal enemies chide the people and cajole them to do it for the state.  It is always the innocents who are deceived and damaged.  Yet, repeatedly this wretched ideology of death and destruction rears its ugly head.

It is infuriating when news reporters wonder why Biden or Harris have not visited the border because then, they assert, the leaders would surely halt the purposeful invasion of the United States.  The conservative sites claim Biden is a weak president — of course, he is weak for America but why not emphasize that he is doing the bidding for America’s enemies both here and abroad.  He is their godsend.

What is never stated outright is that Biden and company know full well what is going on and it is exactly this act of war that the communists and globalists and enemies of America seek.  Like doctors dissecting the organs of a body, so, too, those in power in this country are dismembering every social, economic, and political feature of the United States.  That is what enemies do.

In reality, “[i]f common justice is to prevail, it is absolutely necessary that there be an agency of society — all of us — to cope with man’s inhumanity to man.  Liberty and justice are inseparably associated.”

Until Americans identify, call out and grasp the malignant forces of socialism and communism and until news reporters stop being so naive and wonder why Kamala is not at the border, the enemy will continue to encroach. Lassitude is not an option when the ugly monster is at our doorstep.

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