It’s Official: Biden Now Leads Trump In The COVID Death Count
According to the latest numbers from the CDC, more Americans have died with COVID since President Joe Biden took office than did in the year before under Donald Trump.
CDC data show that, as of January 17, there have been a total of 850,575 deaths in the U.S. related to COVID. On Trump’s last day in office, that number was 424,409. That means 426,166 COVID deaths have occurred — so far — since Biden took office, with the number currently trending well above a thousand a day.
This is a stunning rebuke not just of Biden, but of everyone who went around blaming Trump for every single COVID death that occurred on his watch.
Biden and others repeatedly insisted that if Trump had only done things such as accelerated testing and contract tracing, responded faster to the pandemic, pushed mask mandates, the country would have avoided the calamities of 2020.

Yet, despite Biden’s solemn pledge that he had a plan ready to go that would fix those errors and bring “an end to COVID,” none of it worked. The virus has spread further and faster than ever since Biden put his “plan” into effect.
Biden himself now claims he was caught off guard by the new more transmittable variants – which in itself is a horrible admission of failure, given his claim that fighting COVID would be his top priority. More recently he even switched gears to say that the federal government can’t be expected to solve this problem.
Biden’s failure is even more glaring when you realize that he had benefits Trump lacked: Three vaccines had been approved when Biden took office, there were more and better treatments available, and the new strains have proved less lethal than the original virus.
Biden is also guilty of overselling the efficacy of vaccines and mask mandates, neither of which has slowed the spread of the disease. In fact, there were 1.4 million new reported cases in one day this month, which was more than six times the peak last winter.
In many ways, Biden’s “plan” made things worse. He recklessly wasted time with divisive — and illegal — vaccine mandates that did little to accelerate the rate of inoculations. He butted the government into the delivery of new treatments, which created needless bottlenecks. He failed to address regulatory hurdles at the FDA that kept additional tests off the market.
What’s more, by stoking panic for more than a year and focusing only on vaccines and mask mandates, instead of promoting available treatments, Biden has been unable to bring calm to the country, even though the Omicron variant is far less lethal. The result has been massive and needless disruptions.
Meanwhile, Biden’s $2 trillion “rescue” plan has fueled economic turmoil, discouraging work when the economy needed people back at their jobs and igniting inflation. (That’s to say nothing of the massive waste. One example: schools took the billions he handed out to “safely reopen” and closed their doors again as soon as they could find an excuse.)
To be clear, we didn’t blame Trump for the COVID deaths that happened on his watch, and we don’t blame Biden for the deaths over the past year. (Even though by Biden’s own standard he is to blame for every single one of them.) We still believe the number of deaths is being exaggerated because anyone who dies with COVID is lumped in with those who died from COVID.
We do, however, blame Biden for the fact that his “plan” to deal with COVID has been worse than useless. Biden’s utter ineptitude has made the country weaker and more vulnerable as a result.
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