A contranym is a word that has opposite meanings depending on context.

For example, the word sanction:

Definition 1: to permit or grant approval. Definition 2: to condemn or penalize.

The word cleave:

Definition 1: to join or adhere closely Definition 2: to split or divide

The word “liberal” has become another contranym.

Definition 1. A Democrat progressive socialist Definition 2: A Conservative Republican

As conservatives define it, liberals sanction (Def. 1) small government, state’s rights, capitalism, merit as the only consideration  instead of numerical goals and quotas, freedom of speech and debate and tolerance of dissidence, legal immigration, English as the national language, respect for truth in reporting and facts in history, limits to  fatuous regulations and mandates that inhibit economy and business, opposition to mindless “cancel culture” and indoctrination in education, equal justice in law and order.

As the leftist and progressives define it, liberals abhor and sanction (Def. 2) all the forgoing and prefer big government with endless legislation and mandates, socialism, quotas and diversity above merit, censorship of speech, subjective “truth” versus facts in education and national history, altering the language, open borders and unfettered immigration, moral equivalence between protests and terrorism, and cancel culture.

Conservatives cleave (Def. 1) to the founding principles of democracy.

Progressives cleave (Def.2) the nation in a tyrannical effort to grab and consolidate power, censor dissent, and impose obedience and indoctrination on all citizens. rsk

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