Displaying posts published in

October 2022

New Documents Show 2020 Election Grants in Pa. Intertwined With Professional, Partisan Left Yet another disturbing discovery. by Todd Shepherd


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Months after the 2020 election was complete and weeks after Joe Biden had been inaugurated, one of the leading principals who managed the selective distribution of election grants in Pennsylvania embarked on a post-game analysis to see “what worked and what did not” with the money doled out to county election offices throughout the commonwealth.

That person, Marc Solomon, didn’t do the analysis himself, however. Instead, he hired Fernandez Advisors, according to emails obtained by Broad + Liberty.

Fernandez Advisors, based in New York City, caters to some of the most influential and deep-pocketed leftwing organizations in the world, including John Podesta’s Center for American Progress, George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, and the Tides Foundation.

The discovery is yet one more link of how deeply the Pennsylvania grant effort was intertwined with the professional, partisan left.

The Chicago-based nonprofit Center for Tech and Civic Life distributed the grants to about two dozen Pennsylvania counties as well as to the Department of State totalling more than $25 million in the runup to the 2020 election.

Solomon, a paid political consultant with a New York City-based firm, was not contracted to work on behalf of the CTCL, however. As Broad + Liberty has previously established and reported, Solomon was working on behalf of the Center for Secure and Modern Elections, even though the CSME was never officially announced as any kind of partner in the project to the public.

121,882 Children as Young as 6 Tracked for ‘Transgender’ Treatment Puberty blockers have been inflicted on as “at least 4,780 adolescents”. by Daniel Greenfield


“In the UK and Europe, there’s some debate on these issues. In the U.S., the only debate allowed in the face of this monstrous evil is how to lock up those who speak out against it.”

What could possibly cause a doubling of a psychological condition in 5 years? One of those questions that mustn’t be asked because it would reveal the sheer horror of what’s happening.

In a new Reuters story, the media organization claims that new diagnoses in the United States of patients ages 6-17 shot up from 15,172 in 2017 to 42,167 in 2021.

What could possibly cause over a doubling in 5 years?

Medicaid breakdowns show California now has nearly 3,000 cases, New York has over 2,000, Massachusetts has over 1,000, and Washington has around 2,000.

The Medicaid element on some of this is revealing. We’re dealing at least partly with medical experimentation on low-income families or on homeless teenagers.

“Overall, the analysis found that at least 121,882 children ages 6 to 17 were diagnosed with gender dysphoria from 2017 through 2021.”

That tracks them for anything including hormones and eventually castration, mastectomies or hysterectomies depending on their sex.

They will have their lifespans significantly shortened, be unable to have children and be at much higher risk for suicide.

The Question on Putin’s Mind: Would We Risk New York to Keep Odessa Free? Biden’s efforts to deter him have so far had little success. Now the world’s future may hinge on them. By Walter Russell Mead


‘A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought,” President Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a joint statement after their summit in June 2021. But Mr. Putin doesn’t always tell the truth.

The reality is that as Mr. Putin’s failing military skedaddles east across occupied Ukraine, nuclear weapons look more attractive. That is not so much because a tactical nuclear strike would be effective against widely scattered Ukrainian forces in the field. It is more that Mr. Putin hopes the political shock waves set off by nuclear explosions in Europe would shatter the West’s resolve to support Ukraine. Is Germany willing to lose Berlin to save Kyiv? Are Americans ready to risk New York to keep Odessa free? These are the questions Mr. Putin is asking himself.

The future of the world may depend on his answers. Meanwhile, the Biden administration faces a terrible dilemma. To yield to Mr. Putin’s nuclear blackmail would be a cowardly act of appeasement from which Neville Chamberlain would recoil—and which would open the door to more nuclear blackmail. Yet to lead the Western alliance into an open-ended nuclear confrontation with Russia is to risk the most catastrophic of wars.

To avoid these unacceptable alternatives, the Biden administration must deter Mr. Putin from using nuclear weapons in the Ukraine conflict even as it continues to support Ukraine in its battle to drive the invaders back.

Deterrence is more complicated than it looks, and the Biden administration’s efforts to deter Russia have had little success. In February, Mr. Putin blew past the Biden administration’s barrage of threats and diplomacy to launch the war in Ukraine.

Not deterring Russian aggression was one of the costliest failures in recent American foreign policy. But it isn’t clear that the Biden administration understands what went wrong—and how similar mistakes might be undercutting its diplomatic efforts today.




Political cartoonist Michael Ramirez has won two Pulitzer Prizes – an achievement only a handful of others in his category have achieved – as well as countless other awards for his unmatched mastery of his craft. His cartoons, syndicated by Creators, run in publications around the world.

Yet, to Google’s content police, Ramirez’s cartoons are “shocking content” and it is restricting ads on a page where a catalog of them appears.

How do we know this? Because it’s against our site that Google has taken this action.

Google’s AdSense network – which is used by some 3.5 million websites to generate revenue – defines “shocking content” as content that:

contains gruesome, graphic, or disgusting accounts or imagery.
depicts acts of violence.
contains a significant amount of or prominently features obscene or profane language.

We appealed this ruling with Google and were denied. No explanation was offered, of course. And there’s no possible way to know what would constitute a “fix” that would satisfy Google.

With American friends like these By Ruthie Blum


US House Rep. Brad Sherman (D-California) took to Twitter on Monday to “urge Israeli political leaders from all sides of the political spectrum to ostracize extremists like Itamar Ben-Gvir, whose outrageous views run contrary to Israel’s core principles of a democratic and Jewish state.”

These “extremists,” he added, “undermine Israel’s interests and the US-Israel relationship, which I and my colleagues have worked to strengthen.”

Sherman was the second “pro-Israel Democrat” to issue a warning against Otzma Yehudit leader MK Ben-Gvir. According to a report earlier this week in Axios, New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez said something similar last month in a private meeting with opposition leader Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu.

“The senator told Netanyahu he needed to realize [that] the composition of …[a] coalition with the likes of Ben-Gvir] could seriously erode bipartisan support in Washington, which has been a pillar of the bilateral relationship between the US and Israel,” a source cited by the outlet revealed.

As No. 2 on the Religious Zionist Party list, which most polls are predicting will garner some 12-13 mandates in the November 1 Knesset election, Ben-Gvir is guaranteed to retain his seat in Israel’s parliament. More significantly, he could end up with a ministerial portfolio in the next government if Netanyahu is able to form a coalition.

With friends like these, the Jewish state doesn’t need the rest of the increasingly left-wing Democratic Party’s actual enemies. Leaving aside the chutzpah of American politicians basically demanding that Israel cancel an Israeli counterpart whose views they don’t share, the idea that the elevation of a certain candidate could and would damage the country’s ties with America is as outrageous as it is disingenuous.

Menendez’s moaning that it “could seriously erode bipartisan support in Washington” is particularly laughable. As Israel’s failed outgoing government illustrates, ideological schisms do not allow for the crossing of aisles without one side utterly capitulating to the other on matters of import.

Turns Out Biden’s Empowering of OPEC Was a Really Bad Idea By David Harsany


If the average price of a gallon of gas falls by a penny, White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain will take to Twitter and credit the Biden administration. In the last few months, due to lower demand and other factors, consumers have experienced a reprieve from historic highs. Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre points out this is “the fastest decline in gas prices in over a decade,” which is like bragging about losing a couple of pounds after packing on 20.

Officials haven’t had much to say lately. That trend is likely to continue. Today, the OPEC+ cartel announced it’s going to cut production by 2 million barrels a day. This, even after the Biden administration engaged in a “full-scale pressure campaign,” according to CNN, to dissuade our alleged allies in the Middle East to change their minds.

As a presidential candidate, Biden called Saudi Arabia a “pariah” state. Soon after the election, like all his predecessors, Biden traveled to the kingdom to kiss the ring. And still, he gets nothing. The oft-repeated claim that Biden is a savvy, highly respected foreign policy operator has been relentlessly debunked by reality.

Biden wagered that he could placate his left wing, curbing fossil fuel production while also holding prices in check by pressuring the Saudis and emptying the U.S. strategic reserve, now at a 40-year low. It was a bad bet.

Biden can’t control prices, but he could have mitigated the problem consumers now face had he not disincentivized domestic fossil fuel production and refinery capacity. Remember that on Biden’s first day at work, he revoked permits to build the Keystone XL, a 1,179-mile pipeline that was going to carry approximately 800,000 barrels of oil a day into the United States that was slated to be completed in a few months. Seems like the kind of infrastructure that might be quite helpful.

Days later, Biden signed a batch of executive orders halting any new oil and natural gas leases on all public lands. The administration has issued fewer oil leases than any president since the Second World War.

It’s unsurprising, considering the stated policy goal of his party has been to create fossil-fuel scarcity by “transitioning” — subsidizing, mandating and diverting capital — to unreliable and expensive “clean energy” projects. Democrats’ promises and rhetoric are also baked into the price. Even if Biden loosened regulations today, why would nefarious profit-hungry shareholders of the oil industry plow billions into long-term projects when Democrats promise to destroy their business in the not very distant future?