Trump Shocks the World—by Nearly Putting Us to Sleep By Bob Hoge


For all those tuning into Donald Trump’s announcement of his presidential candidacy Tuesday night expecting to see a rip-roaring, fired-up Trump tearing into Joe Biden, trashing the fake news, and just generally riling up the crowd, you were disappointed. Trump was unusually calm, almost somber even, and spoke mostly in a slightly-hoarse monotone. While he certainly delivered some of his red meat lines, he rarely went into his trademark ranting mode and stayed away from hot topics like the 2020 election, Crooked Hillary, and January 6. The words “Russia collusion” never came out of his mouth.

The substance of the speech was fine, although meandering. First, he delivered a defense of all he accomplished while he was president (which was a lot), then he turned his attention to criticizing Biden, which he did but—again—with a surprising lack of passion. Biden’s attacks on Trump have been much more savage than that as of late.

To be fair, The Donald did bring it home a little at the end with his familiar refrain, “We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. We will make America glorious again. And we will make America great again.” The crowd finally got a chance to cheer, and for a moment it almost seemed like there was excitement in the room.

But let’s be real, some of his press conferences were more exciting than this.

I can guess at his motivation—perhaps he was trying to reach out to more than just his MAGA crowd. But those that hate him, and there are many, will not be swayed in the slightest by this new, calmer Donald. Maybe he was simply tired—after all, he just hosted his daughter’s wedding on Saturday, and the midterms which he was heavily involved in were just last week.

Perhaps he’s been exhausted by Merrick Garland’s obsession with him, or chagrined by the heat he’s received for mocking his popular younger rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

While I have strongly supported Trump in the past and am still extremely grateful for all that he was able to accomplish during his term (and am truthfully still nostalgic for those hope-filled days), I was hoping for more from this speech. It won’t deliver a “thrill up the leg” to his base, and it won’t change a single opinion on the other side.


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