Study Finds NGOs Shipping Illegal Immigrants Across The U.S. — Republicans Respond With An Amnesty Bill
Over the weekend, a massive caravan of more than 5,000 crossed the southern border in what is described as “a stunning surge that shocked immigration agents, neighboring towns, and state officials.”
Where will these illegals end up? Most likely, everywhere inside the U.S., courtesy of several non-profit groups that are working with the Biden administration in an under-the-radar mass resettlement effort.
An investigation by the Heritage Foundation tracked more than 30,000 cell phones that arrived at Customs and Border Control facilities or dozens of non-profits at or near the southern border in January 2022. It then tracked those phones over time to see where they ended up.
For example, Heritage identified more than 400 cell phones at the CBP station in Del Rio, Texas, less than five miles from the border. Those phones later showed up in more than 40 different states.
Heritage also found more than 30,000 phones at more than 30 “non-governmental organizations” (NGOs) in Texas and California. (This amounts to one-fifth of those known to have crossed illegally that month.)
The NGOs included groups such as the International Rescue Committee, World Relief, Mission Border Hope, Refugee Services of Texas, as well as Jewish Family Service and Catholic Charities.
“Overflow from Customs and Border Protection is being transferred to these organizations so
that Border Patrol avoids overcrowded facilities,” the Heritage memo announcing its findings states. “These organizations apply for, and receive, taxpayer money to provide processing and transportation services and infrastructure to facilitate the migration of illegal aliens into the interior of the country.”
Catholic Charities alone appears to have handled more than 3,000 illegals in January, and then transported them to 433 different congressional districts.
NGOs Sent Illegal Border Crosses To Every Corner Of The U.S.

As the memo states, NGOs “have played a substantial role in exacerbating the crisis by actively helping process and transport tens of thousands of illegal aliens into the interior of the United States.”
On Wednesday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said he was launching an investigation to find out just what these NGOs are up to, suggesting it could be more than just moving them when they get here.
“NGOs may be engaged in unlawfully orchestrating other border crossings through activities on both sides of the border, including in sectors other than El Paso,” he said in a statement.
Given the media’s hyperfocus on the handful of illegals Republican governors sent to sanctuary cities, you’d think they’d be mildly curious about this finding. But when it comes to Illegal, Inc., they could not be more disinterested.
Worse still, though, are the brain-dead Republicans pushing for a “bipartisan” bill that would grant amnesty to millions of people already here illegally. They hope to get it passed during the lame-duck Congress, knowing that next year, with the House in GOP control, chances of any such amnesty bill are slim.
The bill, co-sponsored by Sens. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., and Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., would provide a “path to citizenship” for 2 million illegal aliens who’ve been protected from deportation by President Barack Obama’s power grab, also known as “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.” The Tillis-Sinema bill would also provide funding to speed up processing asylum seekers like the wave that just crashed into Texas. In exchange, Democrats promise to approve new “border security” measures.
Are Republicans really this stupid?
This is the exact same con Democrats pulled in the 1980s and have been trying to replicate ever since.
Now as then, the amnesty would happen, but not the improvements to border security. Plus, it would incentivize millions more to make the journey north, confident that all they need to do is get across the border to become a U.S. citizens.
Under any circumstance, this is reckless. But coming at a time when the southern border is under siege, and when we just learned about a vast network that is shepherding illegals across America, it is criminal.
Any Republican considering aiding and abetting Biden’s open borders should be forced to write this quotation from Ronald Reagan a thousand times on a blackboard:
“A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.”
And then they should be run out of office at the earliest opportunity.
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