Torture and abuse of citizens in Turkey is systematic and commonplace.
Kurds in Turkey are not only exposed to racism and discrimination; they are murdered simply for being Kurdish.
At the same time, those who call for an investigation on Turkey’s alleged use of chemical weapons against members of the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) in Iraqi Kurdistan — journalists, lawyers, medical doctors, and members of parliament — have been detained by police and criminally investigated. On November 4, lawyer Aryen Turan was detained and released on condition of judicial control, with a ban on leaving the country, after she called for an investigation about Turkey’s alleged use of chemical weapons.
For Turkish government officials to accuse Europe of racism, discrimination or Islamophobia, while Turkish authorities victimize hundreds of thousands of their own citizens, is beyond hypocritical. It is not in Europe that Turks, Kurds and other Muslims are exposed to torture, rights abuses and other illegal acts. It is the government of Turkey that is violating and abusing their own citizens for either thinking differently or belonging to an ethnic or religious group of which the government is not fond.