For the record, climate change is real — but that’s nothing new. Just ask a wooly mammoth or a dinosaur. Atmospheric heat-trapping is also real, or else everything around us would freeze solid every night — just as it does on our airless moon. And sea level is the best way to tell if the Earth is warming or cooling because it is a truly global indicator, rather than a stew of various local measurements.
It is also important to understand the well known cycles that bring us seasons and weather patterns. The seasons change from equinox to solstice over and over because the Earth’s rotational axis is tilted relative to its orbital plane. During winter in the northern hemisphere, the sun appears in the sky farther in the south. It moves north until it reaches the summer solstice — as the weather warms. Due to the elliptical nature of our orbit around the sun, the northern summer finds the Earth farther away from its heat source than it is in the winter, which tends to moderate the seasonal temperature change.
The opposite is true for the southern hemisphere. Closer to the sun in the summer and farther in the winter would make for more severe weather down there, except for the much greater amount of the southern surface being covered by oceans, which also serve to moderate the weather.
Another axiom of climatology is that the west coasts of the continents have noticeably milder weather than the east coasts. This is probably due to the rotational direction of the Earth, which is counterclockwise when looking down at the north pole.
Back to sea level and climate change. Previously at this site, Viv Forbes posted a link to NASA’s website showing a graph of annual sea level measurements going back to 1993. The overall accumulated increase is 102.5 millimeters. This site is also sprinkled, nonetheless, with all kinds of dire climate change warnings. But if you do the math, it comes out to a little under 3.7 millimeters per year. At this rate, it would take about 82 years for the sea level to be raised by one foot. Also, the graph forms what is mostly a straight line even if you scroll down to see the same plot going back all the way to 1900. No “hockey sticks” here…just a steady increase. This is because we are in an interstitial warm period known as the Holocene — which began about ten to twelve thousand years ago when the last ice age, the Pleistocene, ended.