The Climate Scare Narrative Continues To Collapse

Hot, cold, wet, dry, sunny, clear, snow, no snow – it doesn’t matter, it’s caused by global warming, the climate alarmists tell us over and again. Their desperation is palpable, the cords that keep them tethered to reality fraying more than ever, their charade coming apart.

For more than 30 years, the crisis peddlers have carried the narrative that man’s carbon dioxide emissions are creating an existential threat. They’ve cajoled, bullied, lied, deceived, screeched and burned an immense volume of fossil fuels to get their hard-left agenda codified and executive ordered, and they have some successes to refer to. But their efforts have been, and always will be, useless.

Despite their insistence, facts tell a story that’s quite different.

First, we are now in the 101st month of a warming pause.

“​​There has been no trend in the UAH global mean lower-troposphere temperature anomalies since September 2014: eight years, five months and counting,” reports Christopher Monckton on Anthony Watts’ website, where he helpfully also posts a chart of University of Alabama-Hunstville data to show us what he means.

Going back further, to the date when the satellite measurements – the most trustworthy data we have – began, the temperature record shows only a mild warming of 0.134 degrees Celsius per decade. Hardly anything to be concerned about.

By the way, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels since 1980 have grown from 339 parts per million to 415 PPM in 2021, a 20% increase, according to federal data. Seems the global temperature rise can’t keep pace with CO2 growth.

Also countering the narrative is the true story of sea levels. We’ve been told that man-made global warming will turn coastal cities into underwater attractions as the overheating planet melts ice and snow. But the oceans are not rising. They are stable.

“​​There is no evidence whatever to support impending sea-level-rise catastrophe or the unnecessary expenditure of state or federal tax monies to solve a problem that does not exist,” say researchers Jay Lehr and Dennis Hedke.

Their conclusion is based on data from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, which has 200 measurement stations across the world. The readings, some of which go back more than 150 years, show that sea levels have been rising, but the increases are modest and show no spikes that would coincide with the emergence of fossil-fuel combustion in power plants, automobiles and countless other innovations that define modernity.

The pattern ​​”extends throughout the world, throughout times of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, and throughout periods of accelerated warming and cooling,” the authors write.

So the oceans aren’t rising, but maybe they’re boiling, as Al Gore claimed in his recent deranged rant at the World Economic Forum summit in Davos, Switzerland?

Of course they’re not. Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, or 100 degrees Celsius, at sea level. The hottest ocean water is in the 85-to-90 degree Fahrenheit range.

Sure, Gore wasn’t being literal, he was embellishing to make a point – the same point he and all the other alarmists have been making for more than 30 years, which has never come to pass, and probably never will.

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