Fountain of Lies: Climate Crazies Dye Trevi Fountain Black By Catherine Salgado

Talk about brain-washed. Climate alarmist activists dyed the waters of Rome’s famous Trevi Fountain black Sunday in the latest idiotic climate demonstration targeting priceless art and architecture.

“Climate activists with the group Last Generation dumped diluted vegetable charcoal into the water of Rome’s famed Trevi Fountain in Italy on Sunday, turning the water black,” UPI reported on May 21. Can we acknowledge that these people are suffering from a sort of mental illness that drives them to target the most beautiful, beloved, and brilliant achievements of mankind? And all based on a lie. The climate apocalypse is not nigh.

Climate change “experts” have been wildly and consistently wrong in their predictions for 50 years now. Just recently, data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) — confirmed by NASA satellite data — showed that there has not been global warming for the past eight years. In other words, the whole world isn’t about to experience deadly flooding because of global warming, even if part of Italy is sadly being flooded. So not only did the climate activists create a mess other people have to clean up and spoiled a lot of tourists’ experiences, but they also did it for a cause that is based on lies.


The protest was supposedly a reaction to “catastrophic” floods in Italy that have left at least 13 people dead and thousands homeless. Is there any evidence these floods are caused by climate change? I’d be interested to see objective evidence instead of the usual climate doom screeching all the media outlets are putting out about the flooding.


Last Generation said in a news release that the black liquid, which caused no damage to the fountain, symbolized the need for an end to fossil fuels.

Eight climate activists participated in the protest action, which occurred around 11:30 a.m. local time. Police reportedly responded immediately and arrested the activists about half an hour later.

This is outrageous behavior. These woke idiots have no right to make such a beloved landmark the stage for their brain-dead melodramatics.

Climate Change Dispatch argued in a May 19 piece that we are actually not experiencing unusually bad weather extremes in the world now and that there was more extreme weather over a century ago. Indeed, evidence showed that major hurricanes dropped to a near-record low in 2022.

None of that has stopped climate alarmists from stupid and destructive demonstrations, including gluing themselves to the Vatican’s famous Laocoon statue and attempting to deface works of art including the Mona Lisa and Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers.” The climate alarmist movement includes hatred of Western civilization as part of its core.

One of the Trevi climate crazies scare-mongered, “The horrible tragedy experienced in these days in Emilia Romagna is a warning of the dark future that awaits humanity, made up of drought alternating with increasingly frequent and violent floods.” Except, again, there isn’t catastrophic climate change to cause the flooding. And even if there were, dyeing the Trevi Fountain black would still be useless and silly theatrics.

Like so much of woke leftism, the Trevi Fountain demonstration was nothing more than ostentatious and unproductive virtue-signaling. That is what leftists do best.

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