The Danger to Canada (and How It Differs from the Danger to the U.S.) By David Solway

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity — Martin Luther King Jr.

The danger to Canada, writes industrial technologist and army veteran Tex Leugner in The Cochrane Eagle, transcends the state-and-media entente that works to prepare the public for the assumption of elite authority predicated on an ideological agenda. The danger, rather, is delved in the almost insuperable task of “restor[ing] the necessary common sense and good judgment to a lazy, unthinking electorate” prone to electing corrupt, unpatriotic leaders, “a citizenry capable of entrusting an incompetent man with the job of Prime Minister” and refusing to rectify or even acknowledge the blunder: “The danger to Canada is the people in it.”

Election results confirm, Leugner continues, “that more and more Canadians are moving in the direction of socialism with every generation, most of whom no longer have any morality, sense of self reliance, personal responsibility, independent thinking and a willingness to continue the culture of hard-working self-respect that built this magnificent country in the first place.” His conclusion hits hard. “Canada is no longer the country I was once so proud to serve as a soldier. In fact, it is no longer my country.” Many former servicemen, some of whom have become personal friends, agree wholeheartedly. They regret their service, risking life and limb for a country that has neither use nor respect for them, particularly under a Liberal administration.

National Citizens Coalition columnist Spencer Fernando is of the same mind. “The Liberals are a clear and present danger to our country and our democratic system,” he warns, “and they are relentlessly seeking to overturn all our core values and institutions…The only way to change it requires us to first acknowledge the dark and dangerous reality facing our country, and then push back against it with all the resolve and strength we can muster.” But the danger is “that we won’t be aggressive enough in speaking out against the anti-democratic, anti-freedom version of the Liberal Party that controls our nation. We’ve been desensitized by Justin Trudeau’s horrific governance and seeming disloyalty to our nation.”


Constitutional lawyer Leighton Grey points out that Trudeau rules according to the feudal principle of Vis et Voluntas, or Force and Will, that enables a scandal-plagued and unaccomplished prime minister to rule above the law, violate Charter Rights, willfully abrogate the customs of the nation, suspend parliament, levy extortionate taxes, and sabotage the commercial interests of the people. “Severing a modern nation from its cultural identity, Trudeau is clearly unfit to govern.” But govern he does, thrice elected as prime minister by a credulous or indifferent citizenry. We recall Trudeau’s interview in The New York Times in which he referred to Canada as a secular “post-national state” with “no core identity.” For most Canadians, this provocative statement is not a call to arms. It’s nothing but a yawner. Trudeau, as Leugner explains,” is only a symptom of what ails this once great country.”

As we learn from his 1968 book, Federalism and the French-Canadians, former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau responded to the question, “What kind of country would you like to make Canada?” with an affirmation of his true political loyalties: “Labour Party socialist, or Cuban socialism, or Chinese socialism.” Today his son expressed “a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime.“ And the people persist in voting for a prime minister whose authoritarian personality and leftist vision are gutting the country.

Regrettably, Canada is not America, where a robust and independent-minded citizenry can still be said to exist, who understand that they are the target of an administration whose interests are not theirs, and that, as Richard Fernandez points out in a March 6 article for PJ Media, “the only thing left is belief in yourself,” as well, we might add, belief in the validity, grandeur, and necessity of a founding Constitution.

In Canada, not even close, not by a long shot. A determined citizenry can throw a villainous government out of office. It is far more difficult to reform a complacent electorate, to educate them on the value of democratic governance, the claims of inherited tradition and communal memory, the importance of economic literacy, and the frail gift of freedom they blithely take for granted.

Extrapolating from a plethora of political and demographic polls, it would appear that over half of Americans are ready and eager for a change in political direction. In Canada, the figure might settle in the vicinity of one quarter and probably less. America at its root is not a socialist country. Canada demonstrably is.

The problem with Canada is the people in it.


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