Don’t Let Iran, Hamas, and Their Useful Idiots In The Mainstream Media Win The Propaganda War


As Israel secures its territory and repels Iran’s terrorist proxy, Hamas, the war will shift almost exclusively to Israel’s efforts to eradicate Hamas in Gaza.  That is when the Nazi propaganda machine will kick into high gear.

Hamas specifically intermingles its military targets with civilian sights like schools, hospitals, and apartment buildings.  Hamas transports weapons and troops in ambulances and school buses.  This strategy is specifically designed to maximize the civilian casualties inside Gaza and to create images for news outlets to run to show the “barbarity” of the “Zionists” as they kill “innocent civilians.”  To be clear, while the Israel Defense Forces stand between the country’s enemies and its civilians to protect their lives, Iran’s Nazi proxies, Hamas, hides behind Palestinian civilians to ensure as many of them die as possible.

For decades, a willing, ignorant, and in many cases, malevolent media, has taken the bait.  We have already seen the New York Times lay the groundwork for this strategy in its headline announcing the war when it described Hamas as “Palestinian Militants.”   They are militants like the Nazi SS, Al Qaeda, and ISIS are militants.  These are not militants.  These are Nazis.

There is no moral equivalence between the Nazis in Tehran and Gaza on the one hand, and Israel on the other.  Like Hitler, the Iranian government and Hamas are attacking Western Civilization.   Israel is fighting our war.  Israel must win.  And like Hitler, the Mullahs in Tehran and Hamas, must end up on the ash heap of history.

Hamas cannot win an all-out military confrontation with Israel.  Therefore, it will quickly pivot to a propaganda war.  Iran and Hamas can only win that war if the American public is uninformed and the American media defaults to its past behavior of showing one side of the conflict.  The media has no problem showing dead Jews and bemoaning the deaths of innocents.  However, when Jews defend themselves, that is when they are no longer worthy of sympathy in the eyes of many in the media.  There is no greater sin to the Progressive left than Jews that will not allow themselves to be victims.

The goal for Iran, it’s terror proxy Hamas, and its useful idiots in the West, is to stop Israel short of total victory, negotiate a ceasefire, and live to fight another day.  That cannot be permitted to happen.

There will be calls for “proportionality.”  Any such calls should be ignored.  “Proportionality” is a concept designed to prevent victims like the Israel and the United States from defeating their enemies when attacked.  It is presented as some high moral position when in fact it is immoral.  It allows evil to triumph.  What was a proportional response to Pearl Harbor?  What was a proportional response to 9/11 when 2,977 people were murdered.  There have been almost 2000 dead and injured in Israel, including a massacre of 250 innocent civilians attending a concert.  Israel is a country of 9 million people.  That is the equivalent of almost 75,000 Americans.  What would be America’s “proportional” response to such an attack?

Hamas has kidnapped approximately 150 Israelis, including grandmothers and young children, and brought them across the border into Gaza to use as human shields.  What would the American people expect as a proportional response if 5500 of our fellow citizens were kidnapped by an invading force and used as human shields.

A key motivation of the Ayatollah and his Hamas proxy is to scuttle the normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.  Any such normalization poses a threat to Iran’s ambitions to dominate the Middle East.  Saudi Arabia is watching the war very carefully.  Anything short of a complete Israeli victory will cause it to rethink the wisdom of normalization.  The Saudis see normalization as part of an effort to protect it from Iran.  If Israel is unable to win and/or the United States waivers in its support for its strongest ally in the world, the Saudis will be convinced normalization is not worth the risks.  Victory in this case must be defined as the complete evisceration of the Iran/Hamas military enterprise.  If Hamas survives to live to fight another day, that will be a strategic and military defeat for Israel and normalization will become a fantasy.

A victory by Israel also must be seen through the lens of undermining the efforts of Iran’s allies, China, and Russia to increase their influence in the region.  For that reason alone, this is an attack against American interests.  It is in America’s national security interests to push back against China’s and Russia’s global ambitions.  A strong Israel is critical to that effort.  A successful effort by Israel, is a successful effort by the United States.

FDR described America’s goal in World War II as “unconditional surrender.”  Churchill made clear during some of England’s darkest hours that it was going to win the war no matter what the cost.  “We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds.  We shall never surrender.”

With our support, Israel must be allowed to fight Iran and its terrorist proxy Hamas everywhere and, in every way, possible.  They can never surrender.  And America must be with them every step of the way.

Unfortunately, some of the most pathetic and weak elements in the Biden Administration are already speaking of ceasefires and compromise.  Secretary of State, Antony Blinken tweeted just yesterday tweeted: “Turkish Foreign Minister ⁦‪@HakanFidan⁩ and I spoke further on Hamas’ terrorist attacks on Israel. I encouraged Türkiye’s advocacy for a cease-fire and the release of all hostages held by Hamas immediately.”  Blinken must be ignored.  Since it is unacceptable that the United States have a Secretary of State who must be ignored, Blinken must be fired or resign immediately.  Someone this weak and/or stupid cannot be allowed to speak on behalf of the United States government.  He is a quisling and SURRENDER CANNOT BE AN OPTION.

That brings me to the final point on why we are here.  Barack Obama is the architect of this war.  It may be happening while Joe Biden is President and Obama’s acolytes populate the current Administration, but Obama set this in motion.  The appeasement of Iran may be the single most disastrous foreign policy decision since the end of World War II.  That includes Viet Nam and the catastrophic surrender in Afghanistan.  That may explain Obama’s silence in the face of the Iran/Hamas attack on Israel.  To be silent in the face of such evil is beneath contempt.  However, in his mind, that may be better than being forced to admit his responsibility for the catastrophe.

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