HONORABLE MENTION-L. Brent Bozell III President & Founder Media Research Center

Dear MRC Supporter,

As a rule, I don’t make appeals for anything outside of the Media Research Center universe simply because that must always be my priority, and our little enterprise must always be fed.

But there are exceptions when there are emergencies. And this is an emergency.

You are well aware of the atrocities being committed by Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists against the Israeli people. These are not just Jews being targeted but Christians and even Muslims if they don’t abide by the terrorists’ extremist religion.

But with the Jews, it’s different. Their stated goal is to eradicate the entire Jewish state. Their stated goal is exactly what Adolf Hitler wanted.

He did it with gas chambers. They are doing it by butchering men, women and children with indiscriminate bombing, shooting, raping and slitting throats. The terrorists are even using their own women and children as shields.

Think about this for a moment. Imagine you are a father, or a mother, and return to a kibbutz to find that your little baby has been beheaded by these monsters.

That is exactly what these monsters did to 40 little babies.

Israel is fighting for its very existence – and the fight is about to become far, far worse as the ground war begins. And if they’re attacked by Hezbollah from the north, with Iran pouring in weaponry, they will be virtually surrounded.

What can we do to help? Our government can and is supporting the Israeli cause, and that is good. But we as Americans need to do our part individually as well.

This is a humanitarian crisis. Hundreds of thousands of Jews are being displaced. They need everything – food, clothing, transportation, medical help. Their soldiers fighting, wounded, dying – they need emergency medical treatment.

I think we are all morally bound to help Israel in her existential moment of need.

How can we help? Over the past two days, I have done some extensive research, talking to top Jewish friends (you know one or two of them!) and asking for their recommendations for those organizations most in need with the best reputations.

These are their recommendations. All funds raised will go directly to them.

Friends of the IDF provide support to soldiers in the Israeli military. Click on this link, and it will take you to the site.

Lev Echad recruits emergency volunteers and provides them with critical funding. Click on this link, and it will take you to the site.

Natal is the Israel Trauma and Resiliency Center, providing treatment and support to victims of war trauma. Click on this link, and it will take you to the site.

How much should you donate? Listen to your heart. Think about these poor, poor people who want nothing more than to survive. Then, follow your heart.

If you could give $25, $50, $100, $1,000 or more, please do so. My wife and I are sending $1,000. I only wish it could be more.

God bless the people of Israel. God bless America.

God bless you.
L. Brent Bozell III
President & Founder
Media Research Center

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