America The wit to gall all the right enemies • Peter Smith


Most journalists are on the political left. They are either sinister, invested in the collapse of Western values, or they are useful idiots wedded to an ideology that has long since been taken over by Marxism, green zealotry and wokeism. Nothing can be expected from them, it seems, other an abiding compulsion never to acknowledge the positives about Donald Trump.

He seals up the southern border, he boldly deregulates, he makes America energy independent, he reduces black unemployment to its lowest-ever level, he gets NATO countries to increase their defence spending, he moves the US Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, he establishes the Abraham (peace) Accords in the Middle East, he appoints genuine judges rather than partisan hacks to the courts, and so on and so on. Achievement after achievement. All daggers in the heart of the Left. All pooh-poohed by the prissies because of Trump’s mean tweets.


President Biden had his annual medical last week. A few physical ailments aside — reflux, a stiff gait etc. — he passed with flying colours apparently. According to his White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, he didn’t need to take a cognitive test as part of his medical because he effectively passes one each day at work. Some commentators on Fox News have in the past queried Ms Jean-Pierre’s own cognitive ability. That’s unfair. You can’t spin, dissemble and lie with a straight face time after time, without respite, without having your wits about you. I mean you have to recall how you lied about something last time, and the time before, to do it again faultlessly. No mean feat.


Of course, Trump trumpeted his results. Let’s face it, fellow Trump fans, he’s a blowhard. Self-effacement is simply not in his kit bag. True, self-deprecation sometimes creeps into his speeches but only for effect. Prissy conservatives in politics and in the media don’t like this personality trait of Trump. They despise him for it. Call him insulting names; e.g., “despicable human being.” He’s simply not the right kind of chap. Incidentally, if you do ever get into an argumentative tussle with lefties don’t depend upon prissy conservatives to come to your aid. They’ll abscond or backstab you, before you can say Jack Robinson.

Most journalists are on the political left. They are either sinister, invested in the collapse of Western values, or they are useful idiots wedded to an ideology that has long since been taken over by Marxism, green zealotry and wokeism. Nothing can be expected from them. Those remaining journalists of the centre-right, an endangered species, need to start appreciating that we need Trump’s policies; that is, if we are to rescue fraying Western values. Best not to be too prissy about Trump’s personality. Just a thought.

Now those on the left couldn’t give tinker’s cuss about insensitive or even foul language. It’s their lingua franca. They hate Trump because he is effective. He doesn’t just talk the talk. He walks the walk.


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