Is A New Biden Scandal About To Erupt?

The Joe Biden presidency has had its share of missteps, maybe more than any other administration before it. But the latest scandalous behavior is not an error in the eyes of this White House. In pursuit of cultural and political engineering that only the Democrats would ever consider, the administration has flown 320,000 illegal immigrants into the country directly from foreign airports.

According to the ​​Center for Immigration Studies, “U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has approved secretive flights that last year alone ferried hundreds of thousands of inadmissible aliens from foreign airports into some 43 American ones over the past year, all pre-approved on a cell phone app.”

This was not disclosed at a news conference or at the daily White House press briefing but learned through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit that pried the information from an administration that clearly wanted to hide it.

It’s anyone’s guess as to where these aliens have landed. The CBP has withheld the names of the airports that “received 320,000 inadmissible aliens from January through December 2023.” It is also refusing to reveal which foreign airports the immigrants departed from.

Worse, the “passengers” are apparently unvetted, which suggests “it is highly probable the groundwork is being laid for something far worse than 9/11,” says Elon Musk.

The aliens who use the cell phone app, called CBP One, and enter the country illegally – yet with the eager assistance of the federal government – are, in essence, paroled for two years. During that time, they are provided with a “legal status during which adults are eligible for work authorization,” says the Center.

Is this even legal? And does it somehow improve the common good of the American people? Or do the benefits accrue only to the political party that holds the White House and has been for years doing whatever it takes to consolidate absolute, unchallengeable and permanent political power?

This White House has shown that it’s comfortable with violating the law to buy votes for the Democratic Party. The Supreme Court told Biden that he could not forgive student loan debt as if he were a king. Yet he did it anyway, then bragged about it. It was not an act of mercy but a cynical effort to shore up a voting bloc for his party.

Biden’s immigration flights are carved from the same tainted fruit – and they have added value in that the Democrats are in the business of wrecking Western culture and know that unchecked immigration will achieve that task for them.

The secret alien flights are scandalous and should be treated by the media as an offense that is as appalling as Watergate, if not worse. An independent press would be digging deep, but most of the “journalists” in this country today are in truth Democratic operatives. Hunter Biden could shoot a guest at the White House Independence Day celebration and the party wouldn’t lose a single supporter among today’s media.

Congress should act, as well. Unless there is a defensible reason for the program – and the administration’s explanation is weak – the White House should be held to account, which would include hearings to expose to voters just how corrupt this president and his party are.

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