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In January 1943, FDR and Winston Churchill issued the Casablanca Declaration, stating that the Allies’ goal was the “unconditional surrender” of the Axis powers. It was a statement of moral clarity and resolve for the ages.

In sharp contrast, earlier this week, President Biden effectively demanded Israel’s “unconditional surrender.”

After the tragic killing of seven aid workers for the World Central Kitchen by the Israel Defense Forces, Biden spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and demanded that Israel agree to an “immediate ceasefire.” That ceasefire was not conditioned on the release of the hostages still held by Hamas (at least five of whom are Americans), nor the surrender or even a reciprocal ceasefire by the terrorist organization that launched the October 7 attack. To ensure there were no misunderstandings as to what the President meant, Secretary of State Antony Blinken followed up by saying: “If we don’t see the changes [in Israel’s conduct in Gaza] that we need to see, there will be changes in our own policy…[.]”

Biden’s ultimatum to Israel demonstrates that he fails to possess the cognitive ability, judgment, or moral compass to lead the United States or the free world. It is the best evidence to date as to why the new Axis powers of China, Russia, and Iran are ascendant, and America is in retreat. In addition, Biden’s irresponsible and misguided statement does not just betray Israel in its struggle for survival and on behalf of Western Civilization, it has made the world more dangerous for Jews everywhere, including in the United States.

While tragic, the death of the World Central Kitchen workers was the result of a mistake. Israel immediately initiated an investigation into how such a tragedy could have occurred. The investigation’s results were immediately made public. The government immediately took full responsibility for the killings, identified those responsible, and meted out appropriate punishment.

Compare Israel’s efforts to those of the Biden Administration when it dealt with the murder of 13 U.S. service members at the Karzai Airport in Kabul during America’s catastrophic surrender in Afghanistan. Those deaths occurred because someone in the Biden Administration inexplicably gave an order directing that the Taliban take responsibility for the security around the airport. Despite all the Congressional inquiries, we still do not know the identity of that incompetent moron. Following the murders of our 13 heroes, the Administration “retaliated” by launching an attack on the terrorists suspected of committing the murderers. Mistakenly, rather than killing terrorists, the American response killed 10 innocent civilians, including seven children. We still do not have an explanation as to how such a mistake was possible. Rather than an explanation, the American people were told lies. In the words of none other than the New York Times: “Almost everything senior defense officials asserted in the hours, days and weeks after [the mistaken killings] turned out to be false.” Needless to say, no one has ever been held accountable for that debacle.

The irony appears to be lost on the Biden Administration, which continues to proclaim its “outrage” over the WCK incident in Gaza.

No amount of outrage by the Biden White House is sufficient to justify Biden’s demand that Israel commit national suicide. Any ceasefire that allows Hamas to survive is a defeat for Israel. Hamas has stated publicly that its ambition to is repeat October 7 as often as it can. No country can survive such a cycle of violence. Of course, that is precisely what Hamas and its terrorist benefactor, Iran, have in mind. This appears obvious to everyone except the Biden Administration.

Biden’s edict has consequences beyond Gaza.

The ultimatum issued to Israel and the public distance Biden is now putting between the United States and our closest ally in the region – if not the world – also informs our Arab allies as they analyze their respective nations’ interests going forward. Undoubtedly they are now worried, if not already convinced, that America is unreliable. Biden’s ultimatum guarantees that our Sunni Arab allies will explore closer relations with China. This is all at America’s expense.

The corollary to our allies becoming distrustful of us, is that our enemies – China, Russia, and Iran – will become more aggressive as they challenge us around the globe.

Finally, Biden’s statement poses a direct threat to the safety and wellbeing of American Jewry.

Biden’s execrable outburst will be used by antisemites across America as a pretext for more demonstrations and violence against America’s Zionists. Those antisemites hear Biden’s statement as a vindication of what they have been saying all along: Israel is a racist, apartheid, colonial-settler state with no right to exist. Moreover, they will point to Israel’s ongoing war effort as an insult to President Biden who has warned Israel against such conduct.  Emboldened by America’s President, violent acts against Jews in cities and on college campuses across the country are sure to increase in the coming days and weeks.

Whether Biden supports Israel as he claims no longer matters. Just because someone claims to be Superman does not mean they have x-ray vision. Biden, like the antisemites whose votes he so cravenly courts, now applies to Israel a double standard that no other nation on earth is required to meet. For Joe Biden, Israel has the absolute right of self-defense so long as Israel does not exercise it. It is these types of double standards applied to Jews and Israel that are emblematic of antisemitism.

This is certainly not the first time someone can accuse Joe Biden of not knowing what he is doing. Unfortunately, it is also certainly not the last.

With this in mind, Israel should no longer wait to go into Rafah and finish off Hamas. Time is Israel’s enemy. As we have seen, events can intervene to distract from the task at hand. The Israelis are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. But at least if they do, they will have destroyed Hamas. Better to live with the recriminations and enmity than to die loved.

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