Dems Already Prepping Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ Dissent is about to start being patriotic again. by Daniel Greenfield

I have good news and bad news. The good news is that dissent is about to start being patriotic again. Those “dissent is the highest form of patriotism” bumper stickers will even make a comeback.

The bad news is dissent is only patriotic when anti-patriots do it.

And the Left is feeling shaky enough about the election that it’s trying to bring the treason band back together.

The Resistance to a New Trump Administration Has Already Started – NY Times

Beginning the insurrection before the election is really ambitious, but that’s how their side rolls. Last time around the Russiagate narrative had been long in place by the time a dazed Mueller lent his name to a fake investigation.

“What Trump and his acolytes are running on is an authoritarian playbook,” said Patrick Gaspard, the chief executive of the CAP Action Fund, the political arm of the liberal think tank the Center for American Progress. He added, “So now we have to democracy-proof our actual institutions and the values that we share.”

The irony that Gaspard, a Soros vet, is talking about ‘democracy-proofing’ institutions against democracy is as lost on him as it is on the New York Times.

In addition to drafting potential lawsuits to file against expected Trump administration actions, Democracy Forward’s chief executive, Skye Perryman, said the organization had also begun recruiting sympathetic plaintiffs who would have legal standing in court.

They’re recruiting plaintiffs for a policy that doesn’t exist by a man who hasn’t been elected.

Lawyers working for Democratic state attorneys general have been quietly studying the playbooks of their Republican counterparts in Texas and Florida, whom they view as being most successful at attacking and obstructing the Biden administration.

The highest form of patriotism indeed.

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