Now Available–the Kindle Edition of My Memoir, Israel Odyssey From tranquil upstate New York to the tumultuous Land of Israel. P.David Hornik

Almost ten years in the making, here at last is the Kindle edition of Israel Odyssey—my memoir of making aliyah from upstate New York to the Land of Israel (the print edition comes out on September 10). Almost ten years—not because it’s a long book (it’s about 200 pages in print), but because it went through a process of revisions, re-revisions, revisionings, recasting, revamping—whatever, until I realized I had to quit at some point and go with what I had.

That event of aliyah happened almost exactly 40 years ago—in September 1984. Which means the story leads from the post-Holocaust, post-establishment-of-Israel era of American Jewry; to the still-socialist, comically inefficient (but at last beginning to reform) era of 1980s Israel—marked also, of course, by a Lebanon war and a First Intifada; and through some more tumultuous decades up to the October 7 shock and the very difficult and challenging reality of today.

It’s about, that is, how those historical phenomena interacted with my own story, affecting me on personal, artistic, and spiritual levels, leading me to thoughts and conclusions I couldn’t have imagined in tranquil upstate New York. Israel Odyssey is, I hope, a good read if you’ve made aliyah, are considering aliyah, or are just interested in a personal narrative with an emphasis on emigration and its powerful effects. Of course, I’ll be posting about the print edition when it comes out on September 10.

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