Cackling While America Burns

The campaign by Democrats to force President Joe Biden to drop out waned a bit after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. But it quickly resumed as Biden stumbled and bumbled through the week. Just yesterday, news broke that Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer urged Biden to step aside, as did Calif. Rep. Adam Schiff.

While there’s not a single person on any list of possible replacements who wouldn’t continue the decline of the U.S. under Biden, one stands out as more frightening than the rest: Kamala Harris.

There’s an easy explanation why Harris is one of the most unpopular vice presidents. She is an unserious person and a classic midwit, defined by the Urban Dictionary as:

​​Someone who is around average intelligence but is so opinionated and full of themselves that they think they’re some kind of genius. Midwits have a shallow understanding of things and at first can seem a bit smart, until you dig deeper and realize they’re just posers.

But let us skip any further preambling and go right into the reasons why Harris would be a wreck in the White House.

First off, if she were elected president, there would be at least another four years of the Biden administration, which in reality would be Barack Obama’s fourth term. Little good has come from the combined 11 1/2 years of Obama and Biden. “Fundamentally transforming” this country has not improved it but instead drained it of its identity, independence, cohesiveness, and perpetual optimism.

Furthermore, Harris’ failings are monumental. Since being named “border czar” in March 2021 just two months into the Biden presidency, illegal border crossings have soared. During the four years of the Trump presidency, there were 2.4 million illegal entries. An estimated 7.4 million illegal immigrants, however, crossed into the U.S. during Joe Biden’s first three years, a staggering number that doesn’t include the nearly 2 million “gotaways” who were seen jumping the border, but weren’t caught.

The border crisis was not due to incompetence, though it is hard to find a shred of competence in this administration. It is a disaster by design.

Think of Harris’ negligence on the border matter and then imagine this woman, who, as Center Square contributor William Haupt III says, “has failed at every job Biden has given her,” as president. Because she has the persona of a court jester, no foreign leader would ever take her seriously. She constantly spews an incoherent “mixture of words or phrases that is confused and difficult to understand,” which the Federalist’s Mark Hemingway calls “authentic California self-actualized airhead gibberish,” and it is all too often followed by maniacal cackling.

Imagine her going up against Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping. As long as they could hold their laughter, they would be able to easily push her into making grave errors. Her mistakes would be magnified if today’s cold war grows hot.

A Harris domestic political agenda would be no less calamitous. It would look exactly like the one that is ruining California, because she believes “in that old adage that as it goes in California, so goes the country” and if she “were to become president,” it would be her “goal to make that adage a reality for America.”

As president, Harris would alienate Israel. She has engaged in anti-Israel rhetoric and made it clear she sides with the pro-Hamas gangs, sorry, protesters, that have been revealing themselves for nine months now to be truly vicious as well as morally and intellectually corrupt.

Never forget that Harris asked people to “chip in now” to the Minnesota Freedom Fund that raised bail for those who participated in the George Floyd protests, which in several cases were actually deadly riots.

Or that she made a fool of herself by “cluelessly clapping along” and smiling while on a visit to Puerto Rico as a man sang in Spanish “We want to know, Kamala, what did you come here for? We want to know what she thinks of the colony.”

Or that her primary role as Biden’s running mate was to be impeachment insurance for the Delaware Democrat, “because people know, no matter how bad Biden is,” Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis has said, “nobody wants Harris. And that’s just the reality, and that’s a sad situation America find ourselves in.”

Or that she’s known as a bully among her staff, which has a high turnover rate, and has a reputation, earned we’re sure, of alienating people.

Even if Biden stays in the race and somehow wins, Harris might still ascend to the Oval Office to serve the remainder of his term should the 81-year-old be unable to finish it himself. If that happens, or she somehow otherwise finds herself as president, we can easily imagine her sitting with her feet propped up on the Resolute desk, tossing indigestible word salads and hee-hawing while the country descends deeper into the Obama muck.

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