Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism If you insist that the Jewish state is the only one that should not be allowed to defend itself against terrorist attacks, you are probably an antisemite. David Benatar


An unqualified advocacy of two states, without adequate attention to Israel’s security, would very likely result in repeated threats of the kind Israel currently experiences from Hezbollah in Lebanon and from Hamas in Gaza. Advocating that inhabitants of the only Jewish state should expose themselves to such risks—especially if you would not expect that of any other country—is antisemitic in effect. Unless the political culture of the Middle East outside of Israel changes fundamentally, the likely effect of a binational, unitary, or even a federal state, would be to make things even worse for Israel’s Jews than they already are. As things stand, it is fantastical to suppose that a Palestinian state between “the river and the sea” would be any different from any of the states that currently surround Israel. If such a state were established, the results would be fatal to many Jews currently living in Israel. The events of 7 October 2023 provide ample evidence for this. Any Jews who survived the establishment of a Palestinian state would then be living in the kind of repressive regime that characterises the entire region, outside of Israel. In short, there is no plausible interpretation of “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free” that could imply anything other than disaster for Israel’s Jews. If this is your plan to bring liberal democracy to Palestine, you are naïve at best. You may not be motivated by antisemitic prejudice, but your plan is antisemitic in effect.

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