Democrats Have An Antisemitism Problem And Its Time To Call It Out Eric Levine


For all their handwringing and sanctimonious garbage about fighting hate, Progressive Democrats  (the ascendant and dominate wing of the Democrat Party) are fighting tooth and nail to prevent their anointed presumptive presidential nominee, Kamala Harris, from selecting Pennsylvania Governor,  Josh Shapiro as her running mate.  His shortcoming: he is a proud Jew.

Their beef with him is not about his economic plans. They are comfortable with his social policies.  He is a proven vote getter:  He ran 14 points ahead of Joe Biden in 2020.  They are willing to accept that he is a privileged white male.  They have reconciled themselves to the fact that Harris is likely to select a heterosexual.  Their objection is that he is critical of and has condemned the explosion of antisemitism at the University of Pennsylvania and on college campuses and in cities across America.

Unfortunately for Shapiro, those protestors are not white supremacist, Trump voters.  They are reliable anti-American, pro-Hamas, Jew hating, Harris voters.  How dare he speak out against them and support Israel in its war of national survival against Iran and its terrorist proxies.  It is one thing to be sad when Jews die.  But it is an article of faith that Jews are not permitted to fight back.  That is the unforgivable sin.  That is the bridge too far.

For that he must be punished.  For Progressives, when it comes to hate, there is always an exception for the Jews.

When asked about Josh Shapiro’s pro-Israel statements and whether they should be an impediment to his being picked as Harris’s running mate, Taegan Goddard of the Political Wire wrote:

Progressives have understandable reason to worry about elevating him to a position that would give him the inside track to the next open presidential nomination. But the benefits of such a move seem worth the risk. For all her momentum, Harris is still an underdog in this race. And the voters she needs to pull in are, on the whole, probably more conservative than the ones she’s managed to win over thus far. Any chance she can to expand the contours of her coalition is one she should take. Shapiro is the best chance she’ll get.

In other words, the calculation is whether winning the Presidency is more important than stopping the Jews.  There is no other group for which such a calculation would be made.

Progressives, spare us your crap about fighting hate.  Yours is a fight against Jews.  You embody hate.  You are the bigots.

Let’s see how candidate Harris makes her calculation.  Does she stand with the Jew haters of Dearborn, Michigan, or does she make a selection on the merits.  If the recent history of the Democrat Party and its Social Justice and the DEI Agenda give us any hint as what she will do, the odds do not favor a Shapiro candidacy.

Regardless of her choice, the Democrat Party has an antisemitism problem.  It is time for American Jews and other people of good will in the Democrat Party to wake up to that fact and speak out. Until now, it’s been worse than silence.  It’s been encouragement.

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