The Other Olympics, Where Israel Stands Out Winning more medals than students from all 57 Muslim countries put together. by Hugh Fitzgerald

Israeli athletes may not stand out in the Paris Olympics, which measures physical prowess, though it remains to be seen how many medals the tiny Jewish state’s athletes will be able to win, as compared to other competitors, such as those from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, and a competitor called “Palestine.” But in the mental Olympics of Mathematics and Physics, the Israeli competitors were outstanding again this year, their results rivaling those of entrants from much larger countries, including the United States, Russia, and China. More on that competition, and the Israeli triumph, can be found here: “Israeli students win 11 Olympic medals in mathematics, physics,” 

Israeli student national teams earned 11 Olympic medals in mathematics and physics in two separate events in July: The International Mathematical Olympiad in the United Kingdom and the European Physics Olympiad in the country of Georgia.

The Israeli math team won two gold, two silver and two bronze medals amid fierce competition from 609 participants representing 108 countries. The Israeli physics team secured one gold medal and four silver medals during the competition against 256 participants from 55 countries….

In April, an Israeli student team won gold, silver and bronze medals at the European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO) in Slovenia. The female students won all three top slots in a competition with 214 participants from 56 countries.

Israeli students have also proven their skills in robotics competitions. In May, an Israeli high school team won first place in an international robotics competition held in Houston, Texas.

In international math and physics competitions, Israeli students have been winning gold medals, silver medals, bronze medals — more medals, in fact, than students from all 57 of the Muslim countries put together. In the latest competition for robotics, the Israel team bested the rest of the world, and came in first. The Arabs sit on billions of barrels of oil, but the brains of its people constitute Israel’s greatest resource. Which medals do you think are more impressive, and more significant for the welfare of humanity — those won by young Israelis in international competitions in mathematics and physics and robotics, or those to be won by others at the Paris Olympics, in beach volleyball and ping-pong and three-day eventing?

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