Congress Says ENOUGH to “Schools for Radicals,” Calls for Leadership Change at Pentagon K-12 Schools

This Fall will mark two years since the far-left DEI programming at the Pentagon’s K-12 schools became a national controversy.

Our auditors at spearheaded the oversight and detailed reporting.

Congressional inquiries and heated public hearings ensued, followed by a claim from the Department of Defense (DoD) that they’d closed their DEI offices for good.

Said “closure” of the DoD’s DEI offices was a lie by omission.  

Our final report on DoDEA schools, released last month, illustrated that although the DoD closed the DEI department, they replaced it with a secret steering committee to inject DEI ideology across the entire school system serving 70,000+ students.

Furthermore, the DoD secret committee was using so-called Social Emotional Learning to ask kids about their emotional state, engage in private chats with them (hidden from parents) and record the data in perpetuity using technology like Google for Education.

Finally, the secret committee’s teacher training materials made claims about “antiracism” and critiqued mainstream holidays like Thanksgiving. Teachers participated in online discussions that devolved into struggle sessions about white privilege and how-to’s on transmitting this worldview to children.

Thankfully, leaders in Congress, especially Reps. Elise Stefanik, Jim Banks, and the House Armed Services Committee, take this matter seriously.

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