Harris/Walz: Mostly Peaceful By J.B. Shurk



Walz lazily watched as Black Lives Matter and Antifa arsonists burned parts of Minneapolis and Saint Paul to the ground during 2020’s “summer of love” riots.  (His wife enjoyed the carnage so much that she spent her nights getting high from the smell of incinerated businesses.)  Not to be upstaged, Harris encouraged people to donate to sketchy groups bailing out criminals who had been arrested for vandalizing property, looting stores, torching police precincts, and attacking citizens unfortunate enough to reside within Walz’s Twin Cities.  This is what the Democrap Party sees as stand-up leadership these days: a couple of terrorist sympathizers willing to promote violence against Americans for personal political gain.

Call me crazy, but I don’t think politicians who fail to protect cities should be put in charge of protecting nations.  On the other hand, if the goal is to “let America burn,” Walz and Harris make perfect sense.  Walz is an out-and-proud Maoist who enjoys vacationing in China (including celebrating his nuptials in Tiananmen Square).  Harris not only supercharged inflation by casting the deciding vote for the Green New Deal boondoggle but also plans on using government force to further manipulate food, fuel, and housing markets.  If Tim and Kam get the chance, they will do everything they can to transform the United States into Maduro’s Venezuela.  They will light the whole country ablaze and leave America in “mostly peaceful” ashes.

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